
在九份發現St. Thomas

還記得今年春假我被遺落在加勒比海小島上時,驚奇的發現 St. Thomas根本就是九份的美國版,而趁著週末到九份山上看海時,我又不禁咋舌的驚呼,這裡真的好像 St. Thomas喔!

雖然海沒有那麼藍,陽光沒有那麼耀眼,可是山貌地形,就彷彿我在99 Steps的山丘頂端俯瞰時一般;而我,也彷彿看到了在港邊停靠的,一艘艘夢幻般的郵輪.而那公主號的煙囪,也好似在我眼前陣陣冒出裊白的煙一樣,充滿了海洋的味道.



不知道是不是受到名模風潮的影響,台北街頭的女生體脂肪率大概都低於19%吧??在捷運上我總望著自己在車窗裡的倒影,不可思議的懷疑那是不是哈哈鏡,怎麼會把自己照成這麼大一隻,身邊每個細瘦的身軀更讓我懷疑自己是不是一個異類.那份在美國時被形容成 Tiny的欣喜心情,早就消逝無蹤了.






爲什麼是無尾熊呢,因為這裡大部分的人都是相依相靠的群體動物無尾熊,而我這猛虎,可就讓大家敬而遠之了.甚至還有一個人,大辣辣的問我,你脾氣是不是很不好啊?我一個新人,還能說什麼?所以我就點點頭,然後他就再也沒跟我說過一句話了!!(哈哈!其實我還覺得很有趣呢!) 每個嬌生人都知道高級主管們的屬性,也都遵循動物的屬性來與大家相處.表面上看來像是一個很有邏輯的系統,可是這樣的定義也未免太狹窄的吧?



到底是誰在亂放話 Part II


像我前些天打開電視剛好看到林志玲被專機送回台的報導,突然的她就成了眾矢之地的"台灣女兒",而只要是颱風過後橋斷了有人涉水而過的地方,全都一致的被定義成為"孤島". 我的嗎呀!這樣莫名其妙的加冠名詞,還真是獨特的一種文化哩!!



唉 唉 唉


從沒看過一個公司的財務部,資料都是大家一個數字一個數字的key in,而我雖然想要改變這個狀況,一個新人又怎能使得上什麼力呢? 不是說我不想加班趕工,可是天天為了這樣的情況而加班,實在讓我覺得非常的糟糕,如果士氣不振,又何必那樣的拼命呢?還不如趕緊回家休息一下,隔天才有動力繼續改變這陳舊的制度.唉唉 終於知道國父革命的辛苦了.畢竟要改變一整個破碎的系統,不是那麼容易的啊!




老闆對於我這個新客人的到訪,露出一點失望的表情.後來才知道,他是專做老客人生意的飲品名家.不是只擅長於全台北最貴的一杯咖啡,還對各種茶類紅酒有深刻的研究.店裡只有一個客人,從進門到離開都一直不停的挑戰老闆的專業權威,不像我,只是靜靜的點了杯咖啡看著自己的書悶不吭聲. 老闆先是把剛磨好的咖啡拿來給我品聞不同角度的氣味,從鼻翼到鼻間,孑然不同的煙燻味和花蜜香並存著.然後他邀請我到吧台邊,現場示範虹吸式咖啡的煮法,沒有一滴香味從壺中溢出的獨特邏輯,給了我對咖啡的一種全心感受.所有的氣味,當然都要被水給包住,才能喝得到,而煮完的咖啡粉,則是一點氣味也沒有殘留,全都奉獻給了那淳厚的酒紅色汁液.






前方的路已不是太清楚,霧茫茫的一片,很有身處霧中少女號的觀瀑精采. 滿路的車突然都開了閃光黃燈,閃呀閃的,好像探險的螢火蟲一樣,奮勇的在白瀑中穿梭著,有趣極了!




回到台灣的不適應不習慣在幾個星期後漸漸的散去,但只是physically. 我還是隱忍著,對於各種牢騷盡可能的往肚裡吞.不是自己假意的自以為嘗過兩年多加了點石灰的美國水,就清高的對一切一切指指點點,而是文化上,生活上的重新進入,是標準的由奢入儉難啊! 原來自由自在輕鬆的日子,被滿街狹窄的灰色高樓給擠壓著,而隨性跳上車開往郊外的雅興,也給悶燥的空氣逼得沒了喘息的空間.那些逛了又逛的街,吃了又吃的美食,還有各色各樣繽紛的夜生活娛樂,又何嘗是我一個人孤單的走在路上時可以愜意享受的呢!滿街的人們,逼狹的天空填得滿滿的,盡是層層疊疊的寂寞啊!!忠孝復興站裡,那長長的,連接木柵線和板南縣的電扶梯,載著我一階一階的往下降,心情,也跟著往下沉,沉到擾攘的地底下,無聲內心的掙扎.








嗯哼!!好像很久沒寫 log 了ㄋㄟ!!大家一定很好奇,畢業之後到底在幹嘛呢?

說實話,沒幹嘛...除了去了芝加哥幾趟逛逛街上club之外,就是去St. Louis喝酒喝到吐,然後其他的時間都在香檳城打混. 台灣同學也好久沒見面,每個人一看到我都問我到底在忙什麼.哪有在忙什麼,都在家裡晾著啊!

剛 開始還好,可以看看電視DVD什麼的,後來電視也賣了,DVD player也賣了,就只剩空空的客廳.多半的時間我在看圖書館借來的書聽聽CD,其他時候都在煮菜...煮個不停.包水餃,包餛飩,最後居然閒到包起粽 子來.真的,鹹粽甜粽包的可是不亦樂乎呢! 要不然就是烤蛋糕,烤麵包,烤斯康餅 (scone),烤 muffin,烤肉...各種麵食也弄個不停,台式涼麵,日式涼麵,韓式涼麵,港式撈麵,青醬義大利麵,總之我就是竭盡所能的煮..連到最後電鍋賣了我都 還能拿湯鍋煮出香噴噴的白飯和珍珠丸子,真是太神奇了!! 幾個好友每天輪流煮煮菜,有時吃吃美國沙拉,德國牛排,印尼牛尾湯,海南雞飯,其實也挺開心的.

真是跟我原先的計畫完全不同...本來希 望天天去打高爾夫上健身房,結果最後都 在看電視看DVD. 都怪 Harry 買了個什麼 Blockbuster的 monthly pass,所有任看免錢,搞得我們天天都看兩部電影,不然就是影集看個不停, 外加Haggen Daze冰淇淋甜點白酒洋芋片吃個不停,我看不肥才怪哩!! 有趣的是,每天我們都換不同的地方看片子,有時拿個 laptop一架配上兩個強力Bose喇叭, 感覺也是好的很呢!! 幾乎每天,我都會到圖書館報到,選選電影,翻翻雜誌,不然就是借書回家看,覺得真是好幸福.

By the way, Nip Tuck實在是一個超讚的影集,強力推薦!!! 不僅劇情有深度,所有整形手術逼真,人物對白精采絕妙,而且背景音樂酷炫,加上Miami浮華炫麗的場景,讓我真的是每每讚嘆不已!!




真是不可思議,兩年來我努力辛苦的維持至少零肇事的紀錄居然被一個韓國笨女人給毀了. 明明就硬生生的把停在路邊的黑玫瑰撞了個屁股開花,還先聲奪人的說是我沒停在停車格上. 開玩笑,沒停好你可以叫拖吊公司把我車拖走啊,憑什麼給人家撞下去?雖然說不至於到悽慘的地步,可是還是得聯絡保險公司,送修板金什麼的.好啦!現在要我 怎麼賣車??


警察沒說什麼,拿了雙方的證件抄了半天就要我們各自申訴,我也只好摸摸鼻子找上對方保險公司. 天!我只剩不到一星期,到底要我怎麼辦??



之前提過學校的健身房 IMPE,後來學校東側開了個新的健身中心 CRCE,我喜歡那裡的跑步道和嶄新的設備,加上停車方便,就沒再去impe了.可是CRCE新蓋的水療設備居然問題連連,不是掉瓷磚就是爆水管,一直沒 能玩到水,實在是畢業前的一大遺憾啊!

這 天 Harry, Sascha & Charlotte 找我到 impe的室外泳池玩.我貪新鮮,即使游的不好,身材不好,還是穿上了Bikini到池邊曬太陽. 反正這裡是中西部,大家都胖,就是肥肉露出來也不怕. 室外泳池娛樂性多於運動性,多半的人都沒在游泳,不是曬太陽看書,就是躺在水床上聊天,要不,就在旁邊的跳水區撲通撲通的下著水餃.我們也又叫又跳的玩著 跳水,在跳水板上的那一剎那,的確讓我發冷汗,但一咬牙往下一跳就覺得沒什麼了. 我運動神經不好,不會玩那種高難度的,連下水的時候都是整個人平平 '趴' 進水裡, 可痛的哩!所以我多半都是以腳先入水的自殺姿勢進池.其他的人就玩的開心了,尤其是男生,跳的花式多的很,不像我們穿著bikini,一進水的第一動作就 是趕快檢查泳衣是否還完好的在原來的位置,哪有可能亂耍什麼招式. 好玩的是,其他的泳客看我們玩的開心,也跑來加入,還教Harry玩背後入水的超高級動作. 36歲的老傢伙,也不認輸的玩到背都紅了.也真難為他了....


St. Louis - The gateway to the west

1st Day - In the middle of midwest

Sasch, Harry, and I were best friends in the MBA program. We not only had fun together, but studied, and shared life experiences together. So we decided to take a trip together before we left here. I actually initiated the idea cuz I wanted to go to Six Flags, riding on those crazy roller coasters and screaming for fun. So we booked the hotel, and headed to St. Louis, the gateway to the west.

The first destination, was not the Arch, but the Budweiser Brewery. Since Harry is almost an alcholic, he will never skip something so fun. So we had a nice tour and of course, 2 glasses of free fresh beer. Hmm, yummy!!

The most reknown thing in St. Louis, of course, is the Arch. Erected to attract more visitors, at least in my view it is, this Arch actually appealed Sascha a lot in the sense of its construction engineering and the ingenious idea of a tram ride to the 630 foot high top. After watching a documentary movie "Monument to the Dream", we headed to the famous Laclede's Landing, the business district for dining. Thanks to Sascha's complaining all the way, we had a terrible dining experience there. Not only did the service sucked, but the food was cold. And it was the most famous restaurant in the area - Morgan Street Brewery. Not recommended!

We went back to the hotel and took several stupid pix, pretending the three of us were sleeping on one bed (of course not, we slept on three beds!), and the old uncle Harry fell asleep so easily, almost in a blink.

2nd Day - Six Flags and Harry's

I never expected Sascha to be such a coward until we saw those roller coasters towering over us. He actually had cold sweat when we waited in the line. Haha, and he even skipped several rides, leaving me and Harry to ride together. Of course, I know Sascha is not into rides, and not until we switched to the water park, the other side of Six flags, did we realize how much fun it could be here.

There are several new facilities, especially the exciting Hurricane, throwing a little boat into the jumbo tube while it circled around us till we fell into the water. We also did various kinds of exciting slides several times until suddenly the park closed unexpectedly one hour early because of some private event. We sighed because we spent so much time on the roller coasters

Then we went to this restaurant called Harry's. Just because the name is same as Harry, it aroused our interest and it turned out to be the best dining experience ever, what a contrast to last night's dinner! The waiter was very informative, well manner with a lot of knowledge about wine and matching food, with an amiable attitute. We were very happy with the atmosphere, food, well, actually everything. It was a fine night on the outdoor terrace with a great view of downtown and the Arch. Everything was perfect, and I was very satisfied with best friends there that we gave the waiter more than 20% tip. Most guests were well dressed, making the atmosphere even better, and after 10pm, all of a sudden this restaurant changed into a fancy club, with an excellent rock band and outdoor bar severing drinks. We enjoyed the music and dance until late into the night. Sascha was so excited about the bar and all the pretty girls there that he couldn't fall asleep and tortured us till very very late.

3rd Day - We found Germany in Missouri

The fine waiter last night told us Missouri is actully well known for its wine, and the best wineries are just an hour away from St. Louis. Huh! Before that we didn't even know that Missouri produces wines! So this morning we decided that going on a winery tour would be the best ending of the trip.

Only one hour west of St. Louis, the scenary changed completely. No more flat plains anymore, but all the winding roads along the hills and pretty houses scattered among vineyards. The facinating scene actually captured Sascha and Harry's hearts cuz they were in Germany last winter, and according to them, the scenary looked exactly like Germany. Then we visited a couple wineries until Sascha suddenly found some German words on the brochures and he asked the staff in the winery for the reason. The answer was unexpectedly simple: Germans settled here several hundred years ago and they introduced the skills to make wine. No wonder, no wonder this place looks like Germany and the wines tasted like German wines. We kept visiting small towns and historical museums to get to know more about the German settlement. However, the language has been lost here, only the skills of making wines is left. Interestingly, the area doesn't even have a German restaurant, so we didn't have a chance to eat German food.

On the way back, Sascha saw a winery and was interested in its German name. So we visited it and it turned out the best winery we visited. The wines were of good quality and the surroundings were nice. So we bought a bottle of white wine and enjoyed it outdoors at the white table under a blue unbrella on the terrace. With the nice wines, bratwurst (German hotdogs), and great outdoor band playing 80's music, I was very content about the trip and everything we had, especially friendship, so I drank a few glasses happily and fell asleep while Harry and Sascha were chatting. I don't remember how long I slept but when they woke me up, the winery was closed and people were leaving. I stood up and was about to follow them to the car, but suddenly I couldn't see anything and passed out. The next thing I remembered was that Sascha patted on my face, called my name and I sat back into the chair. It's obvious that I just lost consciousness and fainted. I saw Harry and Sascha look at me with horrified eyes and they were busy putting wet napkins on my neck and forehead. People around us were also scared and stayed to see what was going on. Some members of the winery staff helped to get ice water and napkins, and I was very embarrased. Harry said it might be because of the hot weather, the wine, and the dehydration that caused me to blackout. Thank God I regained consciousness in a minute and while I fell, Sascha happened to catch me in time. Then when I thought I should fell better, I threw up everything. Poor Harry, I didn't even have time to walk to the restroom and he was the one who held a plastic bag for me to throw up. It sounds terrible but with the help of Sascha and Harry, we found it quite interesting. On the way walking back to the car, we felt it was so funny and we said it would be a memory that lasts a lifetime for all three of us.

I really appreciated that I had an opportunity to travel with them, and gained such great memories. You know, friendship doesn't show its value until something really serious happens.


Happy Graduation!!

Finally the day comes, and everthing looks so unreal to me. I looked at everyone wearing cap and gowns, the purple hood with orange stripes hanging beautifully on the back, just like a butterfly, ready to fly out of the cocoon. I am so happy but so sad, for my best time in the two years finally come to an end.

I love my life here, didn't regret things I have done. I have never done so many things in such a short time, countless cookings, parties, friendships, discussions, movies, bowling, golf, gym...How can I drive and travel to so many places in couple months? How did I make myself speak a different language, and express myself from awkwardly to contendly? I've learned so much, met so many people and laughed most frequently in my lifetime.

I also cried, yelled silently inside my heart for unknown obsession. We got so sentimental in the beginning, but became so strong afterwards. Couldn't life be easier? I asked myself a lot of times. The answer eventually came out, No!

I enjoyed pinky blossomy Springs, dazzling bright golfing Summers, strikingly colorful yellow Autumns, and snowy white teary crystal Winters. I had never experienced all these, and after two years, everything becomes pieces of memories. How can I capture these flashily brisk pictures in mind?

Happy graduation, my friends. It is you to give me all these, all the places we went together, all the food we enjoyed together, all my cookings you appreciated, and all the holiday shoppings we crazed, were the reasons I had the best years in my lifetime!


Bottom Line Concert

美國人即使碰到很大的場合,也不會像台灣人或中國人那般認真的再三排練,我們今天舉行的Bottom Line演唱會就是最好的例證.

Bottom Line是我在系上參加的Acapella合唱團(完全用人聲來合唱,不靠任何樂器伴奏的一種演唱方式),每週我們都聚集在一起一小時,練唱一些新的歌 曲,對忙碌的mba課業來說,是一種很有趣的調劑. 平常如果系上有活動,我們都會出現表演一兩首歌曲. 而今天是我們一年一度的演唱會,有點成果發表會的意味,最主要也是讓大家有個機會表現一下,畢竟大家都是業餘歌手,好玩最重要.

我們的指揮是系上的associate dean Victor Mullin, 這個天生的黑人指揮,有極佳的絕對音感和歌喉,我們每週的哼哼唱唱都是他一句一句不靠譜教唱出來的.而這僅有十人的小團體,就再這樣的哼哼唱唱下表演了一 個小時,獲得熱烈的好評. 我也獨唱了一首歌,在一年級學弟Ben Lester的吉他和絃下,享受了美好的吟唱時光.系上還幫我們把演唱會做成了DVD和CD當作紀念. 每每看到自己居然鼓起勇氣,在大庭廣眾下唱歌,就覺得奇妙極了!