

牽著你在天空飛翔 這樣看世界不一樣
有了你在身旁笑的臉龐 世界或許就這麼寬廣

忽然就忘記了慌張 人海之中你最明亮

無意間的影響 漸漸擴張 你豐富我 生活感想

何必尋找所謂的天堂 原來我因為你 不想再去流浪
情願平凡 不擁有一切也無妨 有了你在心上 依然是天堂

這是光良一首歌的歌詞,一直很喜歡那份看似平凡卻很遙遠的意境.書讀得再多,地方跑的再遠,見的人面再廣,最後人們渴望的,不都也還是一份簡單的生活, 和一個人相依相靠一輩子. J 是MBA的學姊,現在又剛巧在同一家公司. 今天替她過生日的時候,她很用心的做了一個簡報 (不愧是香檳和 JNJ 出身,什麼事都要用power point 做),把她快樂的MBA和工作生活詳細的分享給大家,然後要大家分享什麼是幸福. J說,對她來說,生活中有許多朋友和深愛的人是幸福的,而當另一個同事 C 公佈懷孕的消息時,大家熱烈興奮的說,果然幸福的最高點就是小生命的形成啊!

我在旁邊坐著笑著, 原來,真正的幸福是, 有人可以分享一切的故事,有人可以一起慶祝生命,共度分分秒秒. 幸福是, 可以參加 party一起尖叫 搶著說話,開車時有人可以坐在旁邊聊天,回到家可以大聲說我回來了,分手時有肩膀可以擦眼淚, 被好朋友背叛時有人會比你還生氣, 一起擠在同一張沙發上看DVD, 吃飯時叫很多小菜來分享, 永遠記得你現在開始不吃肉, 買到好用的化妝品時帶著一票人下班後去採購 ...

突然想起幾個月前的三十歲生日,那時的意外驚喜,和同學們細心安排的感人黑玫瑰 party,讓我覺得自己不可思議的幸福. 每每想到客廳裡滿滿擠著半夜從香檳各個角落聚集而來的各國同學們,那份感動仍然讓我激動不已. 而今,許多原來的好朋友卻因為誤會而不再往來. 人的來來去去總是令人感嘆哪...

如果找不到永遠的一個人,可以分享所謂的天堂,那麼找一群人吧,找到一個可以讓你暫時不需要再去流浪的地方. 即使生命中,這群人會來來去去,但幸福, 就是永遠都可以找到一群人,一群可以分享,讓自己世界更明亮的人.

Starting a new MBA in J&J

This company really mirrors when I studied for my MBA. I saw people having team meetings, preparing presentations so seriously that I felt like going back to my first semester of my MBA. Teams (Brands) work together and compete with each other, but create great friendships because of close interaction. And the real life MBA is applied to all lessons we had before: Marketing, Finance, Logistics, Supply Chain and so on. The simulation program we had in mini ABP (Global Tycoon) perfectly reflected what I am doing now: Plan, execute, and present. The only thing different is that people don't have lots of home parties due to limited space in Taipei, and most of time people just hang out in a resaturant or Karaoke. But this happens only in the Marketing department, and I am in Financial Planning.

I was lucky to eyewitness all this right after joining J&J, though, and realized that my MBA life still lasts. I made lots friends here with marketing people and was invited to most of their events/parties. Almost all of the party members are MBAs, and therefore we share very close thoughts and similar behaviors, knowing the same MBA jargon and jokes, and laugh or mourn for same situation. When we were celebrating one member's birthday or cheering that another's expecting, I can feel people are sincere, and I finally understand why people always say, the only reason to stay in this company is this group of people.

Maybe I still have to suffer from my inefficient job in the future. Maybe I will still think there's nothing exciting or no career path available here, but, I will have the same thought and reason to hang on for a while. After all, we have to find a way to live happier, no matter where we are, or what we are doing. This is a cruel but realistic world, only those people who believe they can survive will survive....


Mandy's Gourmet Trip In Tokyo

This June, I had a very nice trip to Tokyo, and also visited Hakone, the famous hot spring place, and Yokohama in 5 days. Since I've been to Tokyo before alone, so a relaxing gourmet trip was a great choice before I went back to Taipei to start my new job.

After 2 months, I finally put these pix together and to share my crazy gourmet trip...don't be scared when seeing me eating so much food in a few days!!

Mandy's gourmet trip in Tokyo




剛開始的時候,走路都慢慢的,習慣那份散居的閒情後,覺得自己以前匆匆忙忙趕車趕上下班的急性子可笑的很,也不會在聽到捷運車滴滴滴的警示音響起後還匆忙的想要擠進車廂裡. 一個多月的早晚奔波趕捷運之後,竟也習慣了趕著上下電扶梯的擁擠和忙碌.閒情,當然也就早不知道到哪去了.

然後,慢慢的接受了每天汗流浹背的悶燥空氣,還有烈焰般的火炙陽光,也習慣了出門撐傘的標準動作. 害怕人多要排隊的我,居然也開始打起了頂著汗臭和嘈雜也要逛街挑路邊攤的無畏精神.

吃小吃攤開始騎歐兜麥大啖黑砂糖ㄔㄨㄚ\ 冰,習慣了這樣的擁擠生活之後,魂縈夢牽的,還是在香檳開著黑玫瑰穿梭林間逛圖書館的閒情雅趣啊!


在九份發現St. Thomas

還記得今年春假我被遺落在加勒比海小島上時,驚奇的發現 St. Thomas根本就是九份的美國版,而趁著週末到九份山上看海時,我又不禁咋舌的驚呼,這裡真的好像 St. Thomas喔!

雖然海沒有那麼藍,陽光沒有那麼耀眼,可是山貌地形,就彷彿我在99 Steps的山丘頂端俯瞰時一般;而我,也彷彿看到了在港邊停靠的,一艘艘夢幻般的郵輪.而那公主號的煙囪,也好似在我眼前陣陣冒出裊白的煙一樣,充滿了海洋的味道.