
Happy Graduation!!

Finally the day comes, and everthing looks so unreal to me. I looked at everyone wearing cap and gowns, the purple hood with orange stripes hanging beautifully on the back, just like a butterfly, ready to fly out of the cocoon. I am so happy but so sad, for my best time in the two years finally come to an end.

I love my life here, didn't regret things I have done. I have never done so many things in such a short time, countless cookings, parties, friendships, discussions, movies, bowling, golf, gym...How can I drive and travel to so many places in couple months? How did I make myself speak a different language, and express myself from awkwardly to contendly? I've learned so much, met so many people and laughed most frequently in my lifetime.

I also cried, yelled silently inside my heart for unknown obsession. We got so sentimental in the beginning, but became so strong afterwards. Couldn't life be easier? I asked myself a lot of times. The answer eventually came out, No!

I enjoyed pinky blossomy Springs, dazzling bright golfing Summers, strikingly colorful yellow Autumns, and snowy white teary crystal Winters. I had never experienced all these, and after two years, everything becomes pieces of memories. How can I capture these flashily brisk pictures in mind?

Happy graduation, my friends. It is you to give me all these, all the places we went together, all the food we enjoyed together, all my cookings you appreciated, and all the holiday shoppings we crazed, were the reasons I had the best years in my lifetime!


Bottom Line Concert

美國人即使碰到很大的場合,也不會像台灣人或中國人那般認真的再三排練,我們今天舉行的Bottom Line演唱會就是最好的例證.

Bottom Line是我在系上參加的Acapella合唱團(完全用人聲來合唱,不靠任何樂器伴奏的一種演唱方式),每週我們都聚集在一起一小時,練唱一些新的歌 曲,對忙碌的mba課業來說,是一種很有趣的調劑. 平常如果系上有活動,我們都會出現表演一兩首歌曲. 而今天是我們一年一度的演唱會,有點成果發表會的意味,最主要也是讓大家有個機會表現一下,畢竟大家都是業餘歌手,好玩最重要.

我們的指揮是系上的associate dean Victor Mullin, 這個天生的黑人指揮,有極佳的絕對音感和歌喉,我們每週的哼哼唱唱都是他一句一句不靠譜教唱出來的.而這僅有十人的小團體,就再這樣的哼哼唱唱下表演了一 個小時,獲得熱烈的好評. 我也獨唱了一首歌,在一年級學弟Ben Lester的吉他和絃下,享受了美好的吟唱時光.系上還幫我們把演唱會做成了DVD和CD當作紀念. 每每看到自己居然鼓起勇氣,在大庭廣眾下唱歌,就覺得奇妙極了!