

逃避現實的方法有兩種 : 躲起來不親近人; 高傲外放假扮不在乎

兩種都是因為不信任,或不被信任才會這樣表現. 高談世上沒有真愛,嘲笑浪漫愛情是神話的人是一種; 與世隔絕不談論自己私事的又是一種.

原來世界上就是那麼的單純又複雜, 沒有辦法想像自己可以用哪一種方式讓自己舒坦一點,於是走得像頭驢子一樣,跌跌撞撞,一會學馬兒的佢傲,一會又像隻騾子般的卑微. 想要故做不在乎,又禁不住的獨自悲嘆起來.



看到了不該看,聽到了不想聽的東西時,想要忘記吧!可是又那麼的在意,該怎麼解決好呢? 日本豆腐店的老闆拿出一缸舊米糠,說,把讓你在乎的東西埋進去吧!十年後拿出來時,一定會笑著看著的.

這世界的人們並不是因為事實而去相信,是因為相信了才變成事實. 話隨人講,但人們有相信的勇氣嗎?相信大家都相信的表面,還是相信背後不知何時才會浮出的真相呢?

犯人告訴警察,人不是我殺的,請相信我. 警察說, 每個來到警局的人都是這樣說的.










What am I busy for recently?

Movies: 6 since this summer. Cannot recall all of them but the most recent ones are - Lord of War, Flightplan, Crash, ...

Concert: 1. When Jazz meets Cuba by Klazz Brothers (from Germany)

Books: 10
- Moho Han by Miyuki Miyabe (模仿犯), over 1300 pages
- Harry Potter 6
- Tipping Point
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Category Killer
- Blink
- He's just not that into you
- Joy of Happiness
- Superman's photoshot (超人大頭貼) by Grandpa Mars
- 看見未來 教你全方位成功致富

TV series:
- 4 Japanese TV series : A litre of tears, Brother beats, Boar's Makeup, Fantacy Game (animation, 不思議遊戲)
- 1 Korean TV series: My name is Kim Samsoon
- 2 US TV series: 24 season 1, Break Prison season 1

Restaurants: Countless


Fun time @ Halloween

I know, these pictures look a bit crazy, and in fact, we were this crazy.

All of us rented costumes and celebrated Halloween in Taipei where nobody does it. I could see people's eyes when we entered Dan Ryan, the famous chain restaurant from Chicago. The restaurant was full, and 40% of the tables have foreign customers, so I felt a little more comfortable with my costume on and whip at hand because I supposed foreigners are not too suprised with a Halloween costume. We are a group of 14 people full of noise, wherever we go, whatever we wear. It was the same at that night. The whole restaurant became totally quiet when we entered, and people stopped eating or talking because we were so striking that we drew all the attentions. And soon, it became very noisy because of us, and people kept coming asked to take picture with us. Kind of embarrasing but fun.

And then we moved to a bar next to Dan Ryan. Can't remember the name because we didn't stay long. People also stopped talking and looked at us, which made us bored. So we walked toward MRT station, and excitingly talked about how could we scare people on the street and the tram. That was really a fun walk, when we tried not to talk too loud on the street, we realized it was impossible for us even for one minute. Foruteen people with various costumes parading on the street at a early night was so hilarious, especially we talked all the time with very high volume.

Next stop was MRT station (subway station in Taipei) on Nanjing E. Rd. Of course, here people still looked at us, but now, with curiosity. So people even came to us and asked if we were staff from MRT cuz we stood separately at each waiting line instead of gathering together to wait for the tram. Originally we planned to scare people on the tram, so each of us entered from different doors and cars, then moved toward to gather at the car in the middle. However, we didn't scare anybody and felt people peeked at us with interest. Anyways, we played a good entertainment but in a city like Taipei, where people are not very interested in celebrating Halloween, our behavior only made us looked like circus actors rather than a bunch of spooks.

Finally, when we finished the parade and lay on the couches at Brown Sugar (famous bar with great band), we were all wasted. Especially I stroke my whip all the time with my high heels on (oh BTW, I am a SM queen with French maid dress, kind of insane), and I was afraid all the time that I would meet somebody I know on the street. Yes, it was a great night but it's more like Cosplay in Japan rather than a Halloween party in the States cuz people were all too good looking and not like ghosts at all!!

p.s. "SM" stands for "Sadism & Masochism", and "Cosplay" is a famous activity in Japan where people dress like characters in comic books. My role was "Lolita" at that night. Google "Lolita" and you can find a lot of interesting pictures.

Store check @ Watson's
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People kept asking if we came from a show since we were too high profile and noisy ~
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All these pretty sweeties...no wonder we didn't scare anyone on the street
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Happy Halloween !!
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Parading on the NanJing E Rd. in Taipei
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Holloween Prelude

好累喔! 只是挑選萬聖節要穿的道具服就已經人仰馬翻了. 雖然說我的這群好同事們個個都是好相處的人,可是挑三撿四的能力也實在是一流的.七個人簡直都要把一間服裝出租店搞翻了.試穿了幾十件頭套面具造型服不 說,還把假髮道具散的到處都是. 尤其這堆人中沒有一個是說話小聲的,搞到最後四五個老闆和工作人員都不停的在我們背後收拾,並且七手八腳的忙碌翻尋我們的要求,和回答我們永不間斷此起彼 落的大嗓門問題.

最後呢!我們經過英倫王子.北歐公主.清官貪吏.皮裙機車妹.白雪公主.荷蘭奶妹,和狂野爆走卒.彩髮衝冠貓王.森林假 虎.和無數的詭異造型後,終於選出 了七個適合的角色扮演: 甜美性感超女.非洲無敵土著.美腿俏騷女傭.名模級海盜婆.高塔羅紗女王,迎親小牛苦力和高調閃亮巫女.很快的,在本週末就會大肆出動到台北市各大餐廳酒 吧狂歡做樂了.




過敏總是說來就來,就像爭先恐後在百貨公司週年慶時拍賣花車前的歐巴桑們一樣,又兇又急的伸出雙手,在我的身上抓下一道一道,又粗又紅的條痕來.但沒有預 告,不知道哪個夜晚會不經意的就猛撲而來,也許在睡前,也許硬生生的把我從美夢中給撼醒. 即便已經沉沉入睡,那突如其來的紅疹就像尖銳的警報器一般,狠狠的戳醒我來.

剛開始的時候,我以為是回台灣不適應溼熱的氣候,所以總是開著冷氣,期待著天氣快些轉涼.尤其總在睡覺時發作,不能擁有好的睡眠品質的確痛苦. 然後我停止吃肉,想著是不是能稍稍解毒.沒有太大幫助後我甚至開始只喝礦泉水,洗冷水澡,避免用肥皂,少吃一些容易發的食物. 沒用沒用,時間一到過敏就來.

當我過敏到同事朋友們都快開始懷疑這只是我缺席的藉口時,我換了床墊窗簾床單,還把整個房間大掃除了一番,結果還是一樣.這是不是一切都是一種懲罰,懲罰 我沒有順著自己的心意做事. 過去的三個多月來,不論生活有多麼開心,交了多少新朋友擁有多少新體驗,每當夜裡一個人得承受過敏的痛苦,狼狽的耙著滿身的紅疹時,就後悔自己幹嘛跑回 來,重新適應環境的痛苦真不是可以說得出口的. 尤其又是那麼奇怪的症狀.






火星爺爺托聽眾告訴我,那個花蓮海岸懸崖邊的民宿 "紀戀館"已經開張好一陣子了. 屋中陳設都一如我當初設計的一樣, 有保管箱,有便宜沒負擔的秘密保管箱,有供永遠遺忘用的焚化爐,還有會煮好吃小菜的熱情女老闆. 我興奮不已,當下請了半天的休假,跳上計程車到松山機場買了票直奔花蓮.

紀戀館絕不是什麼藝術民宿,沒有奢華的鋪陳,也沒有過於矯情的裝 飾品,簡單的木造建築隱隱懸在崖邊,唯一引人注目的是大片大片的落地玻璃窗,把浪花和海水的氣息緊緊的導引進屋內.在地震颱風多的花蓮,老闆娘不惜成本的做法讓我嘖嘖稱奇.最驚人的是進到民宿大門以後,接待櫃檯旁那個大開窗的六角玻璃屋.

這是個用來吃早餐的起居花房,鑲著藤蔓般黑色骨架的玻璃桌上簡單的鋪著棉質的蘭紫色碎花桌布和放著同色系的椅墊. 白色的窗櫺和屋樑把擦拭的明亮的落地窗照的採光絕佳. 往窗外望去,三百公尺青草小路後面就是海邊,不過坐在這屋裡看不到那令人不安的深絕斷崖,只覺得小路的終點接的就是寬闊大海了. 說真的,就算像我今天兩手空空而來,我都可以在黑色的藤椅上冥想一整天了,何況是那些有著回憶保管箱的人們!

陳美憶老闆娘說, 48號保管箱上,有一個汚漬,好像是當初搬運工人安裝時受了潮,生了鏽的痕跡. "雖然我現在安裝了防潮的設備,可是那個保管箱看來特別不討喜.是嘛!誰希望自己的回憶有汙點呢?"

我隨他走上二樓藏品屋,一眼看見了他說的那個汚漬. 奇妙的是,在多數人眼中看來是瑕疵的生鏽痕跡,我看來卻是一朵黑色玫瑰的別緻圖騰. 是我的! 我當下對女主人說,這個保管箱是為了我特別留著的. 她笑笑, 你可以親手放進你的回憶,然後選擇要把鑰匙寄放在民宿裡或是自己保管.

我想到了那個下雪的小鎮午後,銀白的雪花在我的車窗上飛揚,車裡放的是周杰倫的軌跡. 雪花淹沒了我的視線, 耳裡迴盪的是周杰倫少見的清晰咬字:

我會發著呆 然後忘記妳
 想著那一天 會有人代替

 我會發著呆 然後微微笑
 又想了一遍 妳溫柔的臉

心裡的眼淚 模糊了視線 妳己快看不見


超人大頭貼 之 紀念超人

雖然我不知道以後會不會想要紀念你,但今天我不想記起你,所以要把你鎖在遙遠的懸崖邊. 如果我忘了你,一年365塊錢不會是個大負擔;但如果將來的我想要紀念你,我永遠可以找到那時一起聽過的那首歌,還有當時空氣中瀰漫的Ralph Lauren Blue香水味道. 爲了對將來的我負責任,我得好好的留下那段回憶.



在紐奧良的朋友一家人,自從颶風Katrina之後就一直失聯,怎麼也沒法得到他們的消息.每每聽到電視上聳動的轉播和令人鼻酸的畫面,我的心就一直往下 沉. 雖然每天回家後第一件事就是試著播電話,可是卻總是聽到沒有訊號的語音. 而只要一想到他們一家人對我的照顧和熱情,我怎麼也安心不下來.

我 仍然契而不捨的打著電話,一周了,十天了,雖然認真的相信他們一定都安好,可我還是要親耳確認才能放心. 今晚當電話那頭終於通了以後,我開心的要掉下眼淚來. 伯父充滿活力的聲音和伯母樂觀開朗的話語,讓我更加堅信台灣人真是有最棒最堅毅的民族性. 即使經營的旅館給洪水整個淹沒,即使沒了收入,可對於政府給予的照顧和信心卻一點不減. 電話中我也得知,紐奧良並不如電視中危言聳聽的糟糕,政府投入就災的努力也得到當地人的肯定. 不但提供三個月的糧食水草,也正積極修復堤防,規劃未來重建的補助計畫. 當然糟糕的事情也有,可是被誇張的成分居多.

我 還天真,問說既然市區進不去了,怎麼買東西. 哥哥告訴我,要開一個多小時才能找到商店,週遭的店即使沒有被洪水波及,也都鬧空城,沒有人上班了. 現在大家都只能靠軍糧過活. 他憂心的說,還是台灣好,世界末日的電影劇情,已經開始在美國上演. 而伯母則說,她不擔心,總會有辦法的. 慶幸的是,在撤退到休士頓的期間,郊區的家中沒有淹水,還能有個避風港安心的待著.

還好還好, 人,平安就好. 只要人平安,未來的一切都有希望.


Jazz meets Cuba


國家音樂廳少有的安排了這樣一場濃濃拉丁風味的表演,奔放的熱力Salsa節奏,讓歐洲的古典樂披上了海洋風情般的熱帶色彩. 我彷若重回紐奧良嘉年華的遊行隊伍般,熱切的感動起來.雖然現在紐奧良一片水深火熱,我的腦海裡仍舊停留著花車掛滿亮透珠串的繽紛畫面.夜裡看紐奧良的遊行別有一番特別的趣味:夜色中成群的黑人們漾著燦白的笑容和炫華的服裝搖擺唱跳著,他們的熱情活力和天生下來就是為了舞動的身軀,彷彿3D畫般光影來回晃動,在音樂廳裡的每個角落搖擺著. Salsa和曼波樂曲調一轉,森巴沙沙揚揚的爵士樂,帶著濃濃的曖昧激情和淡淡的哀愁,是那晚在芝加哥 Jazz Bar裡難忘的微醺後恣意揮灑.

沒見過有人可以把古典樂演奏成拉丁爵士版的,可以把雄壯的土耳其進行曲搖身變成了盛宴般的古巴進行曲,橘黃燈光映照下的是莫札特的40號曼波,藍色地燈傾洩出一席貝多芬森巴五號的流光艷影. 沒見識過匈牙利舞曲非洲鼓樂版的我,當然也沒聽過德國國歌的望春風那卡西版,還有爵士鼓的京戲和幕府鬼太鼓版. 每一個演奏的巧思和藝術通俗化,都充滿了如國慶煙火般的絢爛驚喜. 直到最後全場觀眾起身在莊嚴的殿堂裡起舞,我都還不敢相信自己不是在一個動感的戶外酒吧裡邊喝邊扭呢!

精采的演出,是德國古典藝人Klazz Brothers 和古巴打擊樂手 Cuba Percussion合作的夏日爵士派對.我以為自己就坐在芝加哥湖邊的白金漢噴泉旁草地上,吹著沁涼的晚風,想像自己在加勒比海郵輪上愜意的喝著色彩斑斕的Sex on the beach快意享受著.

Eventually, I got my "just for fun philosophy" post-MBA life, but still sick for the long past great fun days in Champaign....



牽著你在天空飛翔 這樣看世界不一樣
有了你在身旁笑的臉龐 世界或許就這麼寬廣

忽然就忘記了慌張 人海之中你最明亮

無意間的影響 漸漸擴張 你豐富我 生活感想

何必尋找所謂的天堂 原來我因為你 不想再去流浪
情願平凡 不擁有一切也無妨 有了你在心上 依然是天堂

這是光良一首歌的歌詞,一直很喜歡那份看似平凡卻很遙遠的意境.書讀得再多,地方跑的再遠,見的人面再廣,最後人們渴望的,不都也還是一份簡單的生活, 和一個人相依相靠一輩子. J 是MBA的學姊,現在又剛巧在同一家公司. 今天替她過生日的時候,她很用心的做了一個簡報 (不愧是香檳和 JNJ 出身,什麼事都要用power point 做),把她快樂的MBA和工作生活詳細的分享給大家,然後要大家分享什麼是幸福. J說,對她來說,生活中有許多朋友和深愛的人是幸福的,而當另一個同事 C 公佈懷孕的消息時,大家熱烈興奮的說,果然幸福的最高點就是小生命的形成啊!

我在旁邊坐著笑著, 原來,真正的幸福是, 有人可以分享一切的故事,有人可以一起慶祝生命,共度分分秒秒. 幸福是, 可以參加 party一起尖叫 搶著說話,開車時有人可以坐在旁邊聊天,回到家可以大聲說我回來了,分手時有肩膀可以擦眼淚, 被好朋友背叛時有人會比你還生氣, 一起擠在同一張沙發上看DVD, 吃飯時叫很多小菜來分享, 永遠記得你現在開始不吃肉, 買到好用的化妝品時帶著一票人下班後去採購 ...

突然想起幾個月前的三十歲生日,那時的意外驚喜,和同學們細心安排的感人黑玫瑰 party,讓我覺得自己不可思議的幸福. 每每想到客廳裡滿滿擠著半夜從香檳各個角落聚集而來的各國同學們,那份感動仍然讓我激動不已. 而今,許多原來的好朋友卻因為誤會而不再往來. 人的來來去去總是令人感嘆哪...

如果找不到永遠的一個人,可以分享所謂的天堂,那麼找一群人吧,找到一個可以讓你暫時不需要再去流浪的地方. 即使生命中,這群人會來來去去,但幸福, 就是永遠都可以找到一群人,一群可以分享,讓自己世界更明亮的人.

Starting a new MBA in J&J

This company really mirrors when I studied for my MBA. I saw people having team meetings, preparing presentations so seriously that I felt like going back to my first semester of my MBA. Teams (Brands) work together and compete with each other, but create great friendships because of close interaction. And the real life MBA is applied to all lessons we had before: Marketing, Finance, Logistics, Supply Chain and so on. The simulation program we had in mini ABP (Global Tycoon) perfectly reflected what I am doing now: Plan, execute, and present. The only thing different is that people don't have lots of home parties due to limited space in Taipei, and most of time people just hang out in a resaturant or Karaoke. But this happens only in the Marketing department, and I am in Financial Planning.

I was lucky to eyewitness all this right after joining J&J, though, and realized that my MBA life still lasts. I made lots friends here with marketing people and was invited to most of their events/parties. Almost all of the party members are MBAs, and therefore we share very close thoughts and similar behaviors, knowing the same MBA jargon and jokes, and laugh or mourn for same situation. When we were celebrating one member's birthday or cheering that another's expecting, I can feel people are sincere, and I finally understand why people always say, the only reason to stay in this company is this group of people.

Maybe I still have to suffer from my inefficient job in the future. Maybe I will still think there's nothing exciting or no career path available here, but, I will have the same thought and reason to hang on for a while. After all, we have to find a way to live happier, no matter where we are, or what we are doing. This is a cruel but realistic world, only those people who believe they can survive will survive....


Mandy's Gourmet Trip In Tokyo

This June, I had a very nice trip to Tokyo, and also visited Hakone, the famous hot spring place, and Yokohama in 5 days. Since I've been to Tokyo before alone, so a relaxing gourmet trip was a great choice before I went back to Taipei to start my new job.

After 2 months, I finally put these pix together and to share my crazy gourmet trip...don't be scared when seeing me eating so much food in a few days!!

Mandy's gourmet trip in Tokyo




剛開始的時候,走路都慢慢的,習慣那份散居的閒情後,覺得自己以前匆匆忙忙趕車趕上下班的急性子可笑的很,也不會在聽到捷運車滴滴滴的警示音響起後還匆忙的想要擠進車廂裡. 一個多月的早晚奔波趕捷運之後,竟也習慣了趕著上下電扶梯的擁擠和忙碌.閒情,當然也就早不知道到哪去了.

然後,慢慢的接受了每天汗流浹背的悶燥空氣,還有烈焰般的火炙陽光,也習慣了出門撐傘的標準動作. 害怕人多要排隊的我,居然也開始打起了頂著汗臭和嘈雜也要逛街挑路邊攤的無畏精神.

吃小吃攤開始騎歐兜麥大啖黑砂糖ㄔㄨㄚ\ 冰,習慣了這樣的擁擠生活之後,魂縈夢牽的,還是在香檳開著黑玫瑰穿梭林間逛圖書館的閒情雅趣啊!


在九份發現St. Thomas

還記得今年春假我被遺落在加勒比海小島上時,驚奇的發現 St. Thomas根本就是九份的美國版,而趁著週末到九份山上看海時,我又不禁咋舌的驚呼,這裡真的好像 St. Thomas喔!

雖然海沒有那麼藍,陽光沒有那麼耀眼,可是山貌地形,就彷彿我在99 Steps的山丘頂端俯瞰時一般;而我,也彷彿看到了在港邊停靠的,一艘艘夢幻般的郵輪.而那公主號的煙囪,也好似在我眼前陣陣冒出裊白的煙一樣,充滿了海洋的味道.



不知道是不是受到名模風潮的影響,台北街頭的女生體脂肪率大概都低於19%吧??在捷運上我總望著自己在車窗裡的倒影,不可思議的懷疑那是不是哈哈鏡,怎麼會把自己照成這麼大一隻,身邊每個細瘦的身軀更讓我懷疑自己是不是一個異類.那份在美國時被形容成 Tiny的欣喜心情,早就消逝無蹤了.






爲什麼是無尾熊呢,因為這裡大部分的人都是相依相靠的群體動物無尾熊,而我這猛虎,可就讓大家敬而遠之了.甚至還有一個人,大辣辣的問我,你脾氣是不是很不好啊?我一個新人,還能說什麼?所以我就點點頭,然後他就再也沒跟我說過一句話了!!(哈哈!其實我還覺得很有趣呢!) 每個嬌生人都知道高級主管們的屬性,也都遵循動物的屬性來與大家相處.表面上看來像是一個很有邏輯的系統,可是這樣的定義也未免太狹窄的吧?



到底是誰在亂放話 Part II


像我前些天打開電視剛好看到林志玲被專機送回台的報導,突然的她就成了眾矢之地的"台灣女兒",而只要是颱風過後橋斷了有人涉水而過的地方,全都一致的被定義成為"孤島". 我的嗎呀!這樣莫名其妙的加冠名詞,還真是獨特的一種文化哩!!



唉 唉 唉


從沒看過一個公司的財務部,資料都是大家一個數字一個數字的key in,而我雖然想要改變這個狀況,一個新人又怎能使得上什麼力呢? 不是說我不想加班趕工,可是天天為了這樣的情況而加班,實在讓我覺得非常的糟糕,如果士氣不振,又何必那樣的拼命呢?還不如趕緊回家休息一下,隔天才有動力繼續改變這陳舊的制度.唉唉 終於知道國父革命的辛苦了.畢竟要改變一整個破碎的系統,不是那麼容易的啊!




老闆對於我這個新客人的到訪,露出一點失望的表情.後來才知道,他是專做老客人生意的飲品名家.不是只擅長於全台北最貴的一杯咖啡,還對各種茶類紅酒有深刻的研究.店裡只有一個客人,從進門到離開都一直不停的挑戰老闆的專業權威,不像我,只是靜靜的點了杯咖啡看著自己的書悶不吭聲. 老闆先是把剛磨好的咖啡拿來給我品聞不同角度的氣味,從鼻翼到鼻間,孑然不同的煙燻味和花蜜香並存著.然後他邀請我到吧台邊,現場示範虹吸式咖啡的煮法,沒有一滴香味從壺中溢出的獨特邏輯,給了我對咖啡的一種全心感受.所有的氣味,當然都要被水給包住,才能喝得到,而煮完的咖啡粉,則是一點氣味也沒有殘留,全都奉獻給了那淳厚的酒紅色汁液.






前方的路已不是太清楚,霧茫茫的一片,很有身處霧中少女號的觀瀑精采. 滿路的車突然都開了閃光黃燈,閃呀閃的,好像探險的螢火蟲一樣,奮勇的在白瀑中穿梭著,有趣極了!




回到台灣的不適應不習慣在幾個星期後漸漸的散去,但只是physically. 我還是隱忍著,對於各種牢騷盡可能的往肚裡吞.不是自己假意的自以為嘗過兩年多加了點石灰的美國水,就清高的對一切一切指指點點,而是文化上,生活上的重新進入,是標準的由奢入儉難啊! 原來自由自在輕鬆的日子,被滿街狹窄的灰色高樓給擠壓著,而隨性跳上車開往郊外的雅興,也給悶燥的空氣逼得沒了喘息的空間.那些逛了又逛的街,吃了又吃的美食,還有各色各樣繽紛的夜生活娛樂,又何嘗是我一個人孤單的走在路上時可以愜意享受的呢!滿街的人們,逼狹的天空填得滿滿的,盡是層層疊疊的寂寞啊!!忠孝復興站裡,那長長的,連接木柵線和板南縣的電扶梯,載著我一階一階的往下降,心情,也跟著往下沉,沉到擾攘的地底下,無聲內心的掙扎.








嗯哼!!好像很久沒寫 log 了ㄋㄟ!!大家一定很好奇,畢業之後到底在幹嘛呢?

說實話,沒幹嘛...除了去了芝加哥幾趟逛逛街上club之外,就是去St. Louis喝酒喝到吐,然後其他的時間都在香檳城打混. 台灣同學也好久沒見面,每個人一看到我都問我到底在忙什麼.哪有在忙什麼,都在家裡晾著啊!

剛 開始還好,可以看看電視DVD什麼的,後來電視也賣了,DVD player也賣了,就只剩空空的客廳.多半的時間我在看圖書館借來的書聽聽CD,其他時候都在煮菜...煮個不停.包水餃,包餛飩,最後居然閒到包起粽 子來.真的,鹹粽甜粽包的可是不亦樂乎呢! 要不然就是烤蛋糕,烤麵包,烤斯康餅 (scone),烤 muffin,烤肉...各種麵食也弄個不停,台式涼麵,日式涼麵,韓式涼麵,港式撈麵,青醬義大利麵,總之我就是竭盡所能的煮..連到最後電鍋賣了我都 還能拿湯鍋煮出香噴噴的白飯和珍珠丸子,真是太神奇了!! 幾個好友每天輪流煮煮菜,有時吃吃美國沙拉,德國牛排,印尼牛尾湯,海南雞飯,其實也挺開心的.

真是跟我原先的計畫完全不同...本來希 望天天去打高爾夫上健身房,結果最後都 在看電視看DVD. 都怪 Harry 買了個什麼 Blockbuster的 monthly pass,所有任看免錢,搞得我們天天都看兩部電影,不然就是影集看個不停, 外加Haggen Daze冰淇淋甜點白酒洋芋片吃個不停,我看不肥才怪哩!! 有趣的是,每天我們都換不同的地方看片子,有時拿個 laptop一架配上兩個強力Bose喇叭, 感覺也是好的很呢!! 幾乎每天,我都會到圖書館報到,選選電影,翻翻雜誌,不然就是借書回家看,覺得真是好幸福.

By the way, Nip Tuck實在是一個超讚的影集,強力推薦!!! 不僅劇情有深度,所有整形手術逼真,人物對白精采絕妙,而且背景音樂酷炫,加上Miami浮華炫麗的場景,讓我真的是每每讚嘆不已!!




真是不可思議,兩年來我努力辛苦的維持至少零肇事的紀錄居然被一個韓國笨女人給毀了. 明明就硬生生的把停在路邊的黑玫瑰撞了個屁股開花,還先聲奪人的說是我沒停在停車格上. 開玩笑,沒停好你可以叫拖吊公司把我車拖走啊,憑什麼給人家撞下去?雖然說不至於到悽慘的地步,可是還是得聯絡保險公司,送修板金什麼的.好啦!現在要我 怎麼賣車??


警察沒說什麼,拿了雙方的證件抄了半天就要我們各自申訴,我也只好摸摸鼻子找上對方保險公司. 天!我只剩不到一星期,到底要我怎麼辦??



之前提過學校的健身房 IMPE,後來學校東側開了個新的健身中心 CRCE,我喜歡那裡的跑步道和嶄新的設備,加上停車方便,就沒再去impe了.可是CRCE新蓋的水療設備居然問題連連,不是掉瓷磚就是爆水管,一直沒 能玩到水,實在是畢業前的一大遺憾啊!

這 天 Harry, Sascha & Charlotte 找我到 impe的室外泳池玩.我貪新鮮,即使游的不好,身材不好,還是穿上了Bikini到池邊曬太陽. 反正這裡是中西部,大家都胖,就是肥肉露出來也不怕. 室外泳池娛樂性多於運動性,多半的人都沒在游泳,不是曬太陽看書,就是躺在水床上聊天,要不,就在旁邊的跳水區撲通撲通的下著水餃.我們也又叫又跳的玩著 跳水,在跳水板上的那一剎那,的確讓我發冷汗,但一咬牙往下一跳就覺得沒什麼了. 我運動神經不好,不會玩那種高難度的,連下水的時候都是整個人平平 '趴' 進水裡, 可痛的哩!所以我多半都是以腳先入水的自殺姿勢進池.其他的人就玩的開心了,尤其是男生,跳的花式多的很,不像我們穿著bikini,一進水的第一動作就 是趕快檢查泳衣是否還完好的在原來的位置,哪有可能亂耍什麼招式. 好玩的是,其他的泳客看我們玩的開心,也跑來加入,還教Harry玩背後入水的超高級動作. 36歲的老傢伙,也不認輸的玩到背都紅了.也真難為他了....


St. Louis - The gateway to the west

1st Day - In the middle of midwest

Sasch, Harry, and I were best friends in the MBA program. We not only had fun together, but studied, and shared life experiences together. So we decided to take a trip together before we left here. I actually initiated the idea cuz I wanted to go to Six Flags, riding on those crazy roller coasters and screaming for fun. So we booked the hotel, and headed to St. Louis, the gateway to the west.

The first destination, was not the Arch, but the Budweiser Brewery. Since Harry is almost an alcholic, he will never skip something so fun. So we had a nice tour and of course, 2 glasses of free fresh beer. Hmm, yummy!!

The most reknown thing in St. Louis, of course, is the Arch. Erected to attract more visitors, at least in my view it is, this Arch actually appealed Sascha a lot in the sense of its construction engineering and the ingenious idea of a tram ride to the 630 foot high top. After watching a documentary movie "Monument to the Dream", we headed to the famous Laclede's Landing, the business district for dining. Thanks to Sascha's complaining all the way, we had a terrible dining experience there. Not only did the service sucked, but the food was cold. And it was the most famous restaurant in the area - Morgan Street Brewery. Not recommended!

We went back to the hotel and took several stupid pix, pretending the three of us were sleeping on one bed (of course not, we slept on three beds!), and the old uncle Harry fell asleep so easily, almost in a blink.

2nd Day - Six Flags and Harry's

I never expected Sascha to be such a coward until we saw those roller coasters towering over us. He actually had cold sweat when we waited in the line. Haha, and he even skipped several rides, leaving me and Harry to ride together. Of course, I know Sascha is not into rides, and not until we switched to the water park, the other side of Six flags, did we realize how much fun it could be here.

There are several new facilities, especially the exciting Hurricane, throwing a little boat into the jumbo tube while it circled around us till we fell into the water. We also did various kinds of exciting slides several times until suddenly the park closed unexpectedly one hour early because of some private event. We sighed because we spent so much time on the roller coasters

Then we went to this restaurant called Harry's. Just because the name is same as Harry, it aroused our interest and it turned out to be the best dining experience ever, what a contrast to last night's dinner! The waiter was very informative, well manner with a lot of knowledge about wine and matching food, with an amiable attitute. We were very happy with the atmosphere, food, well, actually everything. It was a fine night on the outdoor terrace with a great view of downtown and the Arch. Everything was perfect, and I was very satisfied with best friends there that we gave the waiter more than 20% tip. Most guests were well dressed, making the atmosphere even better, and after 10pm, all of a sudden this restaurant changed into a fancy club, with an excellent rock band and outdoor bar severing drinks. We enjoyed the music and dance until late into the night. Sascha was so excited about the bar and all the pretty girls there that he couldn't fall asleep and tortured us till very very late.

3rd Day - We found Germany in Missouri

The fine waiter last night told us Missouri is actully well known for its wine, and the best wineries are just an hour away from St. Louis. Huh! Before that we didn't even know that Missouri produces wines! So this morning we decided that going on a winery tour would be the best ending of the trip.

Only one hour west of St. Louis, the scenary changed completely. No more flat plains anymore, but all the winding roads along the hills and pretty houses scattered among vineyards. The facinating scene actually captured Sascha and Harry's hearts cuz they were in Germany last winter, and according to them, the scenary looked exactly like Germany. Then we visited a couple wineries until Sascha suddenly found some German words on the brochures and he asked the staff in the winery for the reason. The answer was unexpectedly simple: Germans settled here several hundred years ago and they introduced the skills to make wine. No wonder, no wonder this place looks like Germany and the wines tasted like German wines. We kept visiting small towns and historical museums to get to know more about the German settlement. However, the language has been lost here, only the skills of making wines is left. Interestingly, the area doesn't even have a German restaurant, so we didn't have a chance to eat German food.

On the way back, Sascha saw a winery and was interested in its German name. So we visited it and it turned out the best winery we visited. The wines were of good quality and the surroundings were nice. So we bought a bottle of white wine and enjoyed it outdoors at the white table under a blue unbrella on the terrace. With the nice wines, bratwurst (German hotdogs), and great outdoor band playing 80's music, I was very content about the trip and everything we had, especially friendship, so I drank a few glasses happily and fell asleep while Harry and Sascha were chatting. I don't remember how long I slept but when they woke me up, the winery was closed and people were leaving. I stood up and was about to follow them to the car, but suddenly I couldn't see anything and passed out. The next thing I remembered was that Sascha patted on my face, called my name and I sat back into the chair. It's obvious that I just lost consciousness and fainted. I saw Harry and Sascha look at me with horrified eyes and they were busy putting wet napkins on my neck and forehead. People around us were also scared and stayed to see what was going on. Some members of the winery staff helped to get ice water and napkins, and I was very embarrased. Harry said it might be because of the hot weather, the wine, and the dehydration that caused me to blackout. Thank God I regained consciousness in a minute and while I fell, Sascha happened to catch me in time. Then when I thought I should fell better, I threw up everything. Poor Harry, I didn't even have time to walk to the restroom and he was the one who held a plastic bag for me to throw up. It sounds terrible but with the help of Sascha and Harry, we found it quite interesting. On the way walking back to the car, we felt it was so funny and we said it would be a memory that lasts a lifetime for all three of us.

I really appreciated that I had an opportunity to travel with them, and gained such great memories. You know, friendship doesn't show its value until something really serious happens.


Happy Graduation!!

Finally the day comes, and everthing looks so unreal to me. I looked at everyone wearing cap and gowns, the purple hood with orange stripes hanging beautifully on the back, just like a butterfly, ready to fly out of the cocoon. I am so happy but so sad, for my best time in the two years finally come to an end.

I love my life here, didn't regret things I have done. I have never done so many things in such a short time, countless cookings, parties, friendships, discussions, movies, bowling, golf, gym...How can I drive and travel to so many places in couple months? How did I make myself speak a different language, and express myself from awkwardly to contendly? I've learned so much, met so many people and laughed most frequently in my lifetime.

I also cried, yelled silently inside my heart for unknown obsession. We got so sentimental in the beginning, but became so strong afterwards. Couldn't life be easier? I asked myself a lot of times. The answer eventually came out, No!

I enjoyed pinky blossomy Springs, dazzling bright golfing Summers, strikingly colorful yellow Autumns, and snowy white teary crystal Winters. I had never experienced all these, and after two years, everything becomes pieces of memories. How can I capture these flashily brisk pictures in mind?

Happy graduation, my friends. It is you to give me all these, all the places we went together, all the food we enjoyed together, all my cookings you appreciated, and all the holiday shoppings we crazed, were the reasons I had the best years in my lifetime!


Bottom Line Concert

美國人即使碰到很大的場合,也不會像台灣人或中國人那般認真的再三排練,我們今天舉行的Bottom Line演唱會就是最好的例證.

Bottom Line是我在系上參加的Acapella合唱團(完全用人聲來合唱,不靠任何樂器伴奏的一種演唱方式),每週我們都聚集在一起一小時,練唱一些新的歌 曲,對忙碌的mba課業來說,是一種很有趣的調劑. 平常如果系上有活動,我們都會出現表演一兩首歌曲. 而今天是我們一年一度的演唱會,有點成果發表會的意味,最主要也是讓大家有個機會表現一下,畢竟大家都是業餘歌手,好玩最重要.

我們的指揮是系上的associate dean Victor Mullin, 這個天生的黑人指揮,有極佳的絕對音感和歌喉,我們每週的哼哼唱唱都是他一句一句不靠譜教唱出來的.而這僅有十人的小團體,就再這樣的哼哼唱唱下表演了一 個小時,獲得熱烈的好評. 我也獨唱了一首歌,在一年級學弟Ben Lester的吉他和絃下,享受了美好的吟唱時光.系上還幫我們把演唱會做成了DVD和CD當作紀念. 每每看到自己居然鼓起勇氣,在大庭廣眾下唱歌,就覺得奇妙極了!


JNJ 股東大會

還沒正式的成為員工,我們就被邀請到Johnson&Johnson的總公司所在地 New Brunswick, NJ 參加一年一度的股東大會. 雖然公司幫我們安排周到,可是剛巧碰上家人來訪,我得把他們丟在芝加哥,然後又是沒趕上飛機 ( 怪了,我明明一早就到機場,可是卻還是錯過,而且原因離奇,居然是飛機提早飛走,哪有這樣的事?) , 即便是初次坐在加長型禮車裡,我還是累的說不出話來了. 幸好是提前一天到達,還有喘息的時間,我叫了Room Service,滿滿一桌子的美食當前,總算是把我一身的疲憊給褪去了.

期待中的股東大會,應該是股東和管理階層針鋒相對的緊張局面,不然就是像台灣那樣股東叫囂的場面,結果完全不是那麼一回事. 滿滿的會場裡,坐的多半是年過七十的老先生老太太,拄著柺杖的,坐著輪椅的,大家全都面帶著微笑,興致勃勃的盯著我們這群新進員工瞧. 首先CEO William Weldon介紹我們這一群即將從MBA畢業奔赴世界各地爲 JNJ 賺錢的人員,然後他緊接著就報告公司營利業績和增加股利的消息.股東們當然開心,所以也沒有人提問尖刻的問題,整個股東大會就在各部門介紹產品和未來展望 中和平的落幕. 然後公司爲股東們準備了精緻的餐點,我們則回到公司吃平淡無味的自助餐.


這趟旅程最大的震撼是JNJ的總公司,居然只是在小鎮裡的一棟完全不起眼的大樓,沒有堂皇的裝飾,也沒有顯眼的招牌,非常低調的座落在路邊,不像一般美國的大企業,總是有成排成排的大樓和園區,果然徹底的實行公司Decentralized 的制度啊!


Suprise Suprise!! Black Rose's Suprise Party

I didn't expect it at all but I somehow sensed something differently.

So many people said Happy Birthday to me the day before my real birthday, and most of my good friends behaved so cold to me and so indifferent about my bday these days. But I told myself that's because everybody was busy, and I was busy too. Anyhow I bought myself a bday gift, Mandy's mini blue ipod, so I shouldn't expect too much.

Right before the moment I was about to go to bed, my roommate knocked on my door and suddenly open it. I didn't hear anything and didn't turn my head until she called my name again.

Then I saw, holy cXX, a bunch of people filled in my big living room and everyone held a rose tied with black ribbon, exactly look like the rose in the movie "Phantom of the Opera", and they started to say Happy Birthday to me, one by one.

I was sooooooooo... extremely suprised because one hour ago two of my friends stopped by my place and we just had a pre-bday, big strawberry cake. I thought that's the only bday cake I would have and that's already good enough (my favorite, strawberry shortcake).

Then I walked out of my room, with my awkward pajamas....holy cXX again, more people had been out of my sight in the dining room, by the kitchen, and everywhere, all holding a rose and a bday card inprinted roses. My big apartment suddenly became so small and crowded, and suddenly so much love spreaded out.

I almost cried but I was too touched to let out the tears. Then everyone gave me the rose and the card, and the whole bunch of warm wishes. All my friends were here, exactly at 12am to celebrate my 30th birthday. We counted cakes...4!! Not only one cake did I get, but 4!!

The party lasted short cuz it was late, but very warm and touching (and very noisy, too). Tania and Iris spent almost 2 weeks to plan this suprise party and they've got all the people driving everywhere from Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy to my place at midnight! Especially Tania is the one who usually goes to bed before 11pm, even on the cruise, and I kept her awake till 1 am!! Everybody gave me gift with roses printing, engraving, or fragrance, only because I always call myself BLK Rose. So thoughtful, so suprising!!

Really, it's very touching and a real suprise for me!! Thanks everyone, you gave me the most unforgettable birthday party ever and I shall always smile when thinking of all these!!

Happy Birthday, Dear Mandy

I am the first one to say Happy Birthday to myself.

It's a milestone, that I am 30 years old already. It's a special moment, cuz no one but I have the right to control myself from now on (It's a mental thing, isn't it? Very spiritual~). It's the start point from which new territory of life awaits me to explore.

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday. Live Strong and Happily!

Pre gala party...start drinking from 7pm till 3am...these guys!
Posted by Hello

Post gala party....crazy people!!
Posted by Hello

Spring Gala 3
Posted by Hello

Pre-gala party
Posted by Hello

Spring Gala 2
Posted by Hello

Masquerade 1
Posted by Hello

Spring Gala - Trisha and I
Posted by Hello


Black smoke roared out of Vatican

我懷疑, Dan Brown (達文西密碼的作者)有預言的能力.

在他的小說Angels & Demons裡他提到了教宗的死和教廷的選舉. 他提及教廷一日中選了數次都選不出教宗 (所以燃燒了選票, 從西斯汀禮拜堂禮冒出黑煙), 現實世界裡 居然也是如此,真讓人毛骨悚然啊!!希望這本書趕快出中文版,這樣我就不會只能一個人自說自話而沒人可以討論劇情了.



因為無聊沒事幹,所以我決定跑到最遠的那家Super Wal-mart買衛生紙. 我開車喜歡邊走邊玩,一下去遠東超市晃晃,一下停在路邊照相,然後再洗洗車,一段十五分鐘的車程我搞了四十分鐘才開到. 我逛超市也喜歡邊逛邊玩, 一下站在購物車上溜滑輪,一下研究新產品和使用說明,明明是買衛生紙我也可以花個三四十塊錢, 當然,多半都不是原先計畫要買的. 還好我是吃飽了晚餐才出發,不然美國超市這種誘人的銷售方法,又是賣炸雞又是試吃的,肯定又要讓我多花好多錢.

好了,花了兩個半小時總算是心滿意足了, 回到家時卻發現....我的手機不見了!! 剛剛還在購物車上看到啊...?!


一路又飆回那個最遠的超市,一邊罵自己無聊,沒事幹嘛跑那麼遠去買個衛生 紙.真是拿自己尋開心的. 停車場的購物車堆放處已經沒了我的手機,我怯生生的跑進店裡問店員,他們笑笑說,啊!原來那是你的啊?有有有,幫你收起來了. 呼!真是嚇死我了,不要都到了要離開的時候才掉手機,那真是麻煩多多啊!!

這兩年來,我好像常常掉東西,從手機錢包滑鼠到相機鑰匙都掉過,真懷疑,自己怎麼有那麼多的好運,幾乎都找回來了. (Knock wood knock wood!!)

Time flies~

I was checking the documents for new coming students during my office hour today when realized how time flies.

It's just like yesterday that I was in Taipei busy filling out those forms, remitting deposit to ensure a seat in the MBA program, purchasing a computer, applying student visa, and having physical exams etc. And now two years passed, everything is still so clear and vivid in my memories. The first time to look for summer housing, then an apartment; the first time to settle everything down in a different country; the first time to argue with people, to file a complain, to have class in a different language, and the first time to experience the culture clash, good or bad. The first time to know how hard it can be to take all the false rumors and gossiping and ignore them.

Time flies, now I enjoyed every moment for the last time here...The last time to sell my stuff, wathcing people bargaining as if I was doing 2 years ago; the last time to watch a concert, a musical, a basketball game; the last time to lie on the quad and immersed myself in the Spring breeze; the last time to class, and the last time to be a carefree, jolly student...


Sting was in town 史汀在香檳


雖然是星期日的晚上,體育館還是擠滿了觀眾. 由於票買的早,我們的位置是在搖滾區最前方第六排中間,近得連史汀臉上的汗都看得到,貝斯手的指法也一清二楚,真是過癮極了!!

史 汀雖然老了,但一把聲音還是好的沒話說,加上活力十足,唱足兩小時沒有停歇,對於他這樣上了年紀還能保持這樣好狀態的敬業精神,我是感到相當佩服. 但像這樣專業的演唱會,肯定是沒有炫目的舞台效果和服裝表演,加上他話也不太多只是猛唱,場面難免有些冷. 最可惜的是有許多他經典的歌曲如Fragile和 Every breath you take 都沒有在演唱曲目中,讓我對於連續Encore兩次的表演覺得有點小小失望哩!!



My Mini Blue

新鮮到貨的Ipod mini, 讓我花了一整天的時間愉快的和它親近著.

在 綁架了同學的車一晚之後,我又再度掠奪了他電腦裡的300首 歌,然後在陽光美好的室外庭園喝了杯bloody mary,和一頓豐盛至極,連服務生都對我的食量讚嘆不已的午餐. 生命是美好的,燦爛春光的午後,是該練練高爾夫,和同學吃飯聊天的度過時光. 然後我又再度到另一個同學家,海盜了上千首歌,不一會就把可愛精巧的mini給灌爆了. 天!原來6GB一點都不夠用啊!!


Mandy's mini blue


Getting older


I must be old.....


上 週一個好友生日,大家先在他家喝了一輪 (我到的太晚,大家都已經喝醉了),然後再續攤去酒吧,我竟也坐立難安的不到一個小時就走人.今天更慘,說要走就要走,二話不說就把同學的車開回家.還好 我有夠義氣的好朋友,一聽我想回家,乾脆的就把車鑰匙掏出來叫我開走,也不擔心自己等等怎麼回家.不過我也被一堆人教訓了一番,說我好像失蹤一樣,而且連 酒都假意喝少少,然後可以當司機載人離開.

所以我說, I must be old...


可是party還是好玩的, 我們到了全城最著名的(其實也是唯一的) gay bar(同性戀酒吧)跳舞. 這裡之所以成為不分性別都愛來蒲的據點,是因為他們奔放有格的音樂和無時不刻出現的驚喜,加上任人表演的高闊舞台. 當然同性戀也是噱頭之一,有時候看到他們自在的貼身熱吻,真是會讓人臉紅心跳,不知道把眼睛放哪裡好. 不時從天而降的肥皂泡沫在閃光燈強力的照耀下彷彿星星一樣雪花般的停在髮上臉上,間隔出現的煙霧濃密到遮住視線三十秒完全看不見,而彷若人妖打扮的舞者妖 冶的突然出現在台上舞動更成為舞會的尖叫高潮.

我們跳舞的同伴越來越多,都是系上的同學們,剛參加完了spring gala春天的化裝舞會,拎著面具就在舞池裡狂放了起來.唉!就要畢業了,以後這種開心的機會,可以感受自己已經老了的機會,怕是也不多了吧!


Thank you for the Music

Great musical I watched today. Mamma mia has perfectly presented the songs of Abba with luvly Greek islands, especially enjoyable to watch in such a beautiful sunny day in Indianapolis today. I enjoyed Abba's songs so much and immersed myself in the music and dance all the time, imagining I was watching it under the sparkling blue Aegean Sea. So I say, Thank you for the music, for giving it to me.

We took a walk along the canal in downtown Indianapolis afterwards, had small conversation under the profusive blossoming pink flowers, and enjoyed a great Italian dinner. Everything felt so South European, and so relaxing. What a great Spring day to go out!

I've been so lucky
I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy
What a life
What a chance

Thank you for the music
The songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy
They're bringing
Who can live without it
I ask in all honesty
What would life be
Without a song or a dance what are we?

So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

* Excerpt from Thank You for the Music, Mamma Mia!


30 Degree C in Taipei??



運氣好的很,今天居然是社區的 pool day,免費的食物飲料從中午一直供應到傍晚.池邊也熱鬧的很,吃東西的人和戲水的人都不少. 只是,多半是年輕的辣妹,穿著性感的比基尼四處走動著. 可惜那Tania的客人馬克丁昨天已經check out 離場,不然他一定很開心的.丁教練在IMPE訓練我的時候,看到小小辣妹都會突然全身僵硬說不出話來,如果他今天在這,肯定會樂不思屬吧!順帶一提,這位馬克丁先生就是半個月前和我們遊輪之旅同行的朋友.我的加勒比海故事還沒寫完,請期待他在船上每日精采的演出!!



Unknown pink flowers blossoming everywhere in town


Homecoming 英雄凱歸歡迎式

全校當然還沉浸在昨晚球賽的氣氛中,一早看到許多失落的臉孔,不甘願的在校園裡試圖恢復正常生活般的活動著. 可是, 那份沉重的氣壓在持續了一整天後, 終於在這些球員教練正式回校後一掃而空,變得晴朗溫暖, 朝氣十足.

學 校早在我們打入前八強時就已決定要爲這些球員教練們舉辦返鄉歡迎會,地點設在我們總是輸球的大足球場.我們到達的時候偌大的球場已經坐滿了特地前來加油的 人們,狂熱的程度有如球迷會一般,揮手喊口號的,舉看板海報盛裝前來的,還有多數像我們一樣純粹來爲他們加油打氣,給予最大讚揚鼓舞的. 教練球員給大家說話時,鬧哄哄的開心場面立刻掩蓋了前一晚的失落.州長正式明定了每年四月四日為Fighting Illini 紀念日,但誰在乎呢? 我們最值得紀念的日子已經過去.而擁有的回憶是無限的美好. 看比賽參與活動,要的,不都只是那份身處其中,親身經歷親眼見證的剎那嗎?


20,000-people cheer leaders


雖敗猶榮 – 燃燒吧!Fighting Illini !!

百年來學校最光榮的一刻在今晚. 那種氣氛和驕傲,尤甚於學校歷年諾貝爾獎得主的光彩.


其實我享受那種氣氛更勝於在乎比賽的輸贏. 可以為了自己的學校驕傲而光彩的穿上代表學校顏色的亮橘T-shirt,看著全校一整天閃耀著燃燒火焰般的光芒,充滿創意的人們用各種橘色裝飾自己和這城市,活力就像春天怒放的粉紅花朵一樣生機燦爛. 我走在路上試著捕捉這歷史性的一刻,而那耀眼的處處亮橘,在湛藍的天空映襯下,閃著無限的勇氣和希望.

從下午三點開始,學校的Assembly Hall 就排滿了長長的人龍,準備入場看晚上八點21分起的實況轉播.沒有一場演唱會或是大型表演可以召喚這麼多的人,可以讓人帶著那麼深的期望和加油吶喊.所有的酒吧也都充滿了熱情的人們,激昂的情緒在我進入Illini Union時達到了高潮. 這個百年歷史的建築,怕也是等了一百年才盼到這一天,可以擁抱這樣的狂熱情緒吧?! 寬敞的咖啡中庭和所有大宴會廳都裝設了大型投影幕,滿滿坐著倚牆站著的,都是穿著各式橘色T-shirt的人們.彷彿是規定的制服一樣,所有人有志一同的把入夜的城照的好亮好閃耀.

比賽當然是精采的,也當然是相當殘酷的.人們在乎的是結果的輸贏,是誰抱走了獎盃,而不是誰努力的打了一場認真的好比賽. 人們也是殘酷的,健忘的速度飛快,今晚大家還不甘心的在綠街上聚集遊街,明天就沒有人記得2005NCAA是誰拿了亞軍,是誰平了全國的不敗紀錄. 有的只是朝前看,永不磨滅的希冀和勇氣.

我真的很幸運,真的. 我見證了這個學校建校以來最光榮.最熱烈的一刻. 我參與了百年來最激情的一晚. 我會帶著這份燃燒的熱情,把那橘色閃耀的鋒芒,深深的印在腦海裡.

Alma Mater 守護著我們和球隊

橙式效應 – Orange Crush


今 天,學校的代表女神 Alma Mater 穿上了Illinois的球衣,捧著籃球,爲學校首度打入NCAA決賽加油祈福著. 人們穿上亮橘色的衣服,霸佔著每條街道大樓,像是用盡力氣吶喊似的把祝福凝聚成橘色的光芒,送給在St Louis比賽球場的英雄們. 湧泉般閃耀著的是藍天下的希望,鼓舞著.跳躍著.

四點街上就沒人了,像唱空城計一般的冷清.人們都開始就定位準備看比賽了. 而餐廳商家們更是早早的就關起了門,只有酒吧熱絡著喧嘩著. 生意最好的應該是賣T-shirt和賣pizza的. 像中國人過年一樣,運動比賽的氣氛是關起門來才熱鬧的.

籃 球隊教練 Bruce Weber 成了最新的全民偶像. 他薄薄的嘴唇似笑非笑的表情,和溫和堅毅的態度,成了最有說服力的學校代言人. 爲了怕暴動,他特地親自錄了一短宣導影片,呼籲大家理性和平看比賽, 比賽過後要記得去上課,要拿出運動家精神. 今天他的橙色西裝最終還是無法閃耀在獎盃之下,但他帶給我們這一生一次的美好機會,可以感受期盼和激情,相信多數人的心中,充滿的情緒肯定是感激居多吧?

Weber the coach

long line outside asembly hall

crowds outside the bars


綠街上的橘海 - We won the Final Four!!


這是歷史性的一刻,因為這是我們學校百年來第一次打進總決 賽,而且是在我們在校的時候,意義當然更加重大.全城大概有一半的人都穿上了代表學校橘色的衣 服,不分男女老少的,一起爲籃球隊加油吶喊. 而我們,則是煮了一桌的菜:鹽酥雞,辣雞翅,烤牛小排,泡菜炒飯, 辣子雞丁烙餅, cornbread, dirty rice, 還有各式點心啤酒飲料,一起看球賽一邊吃東西, 熱鬧的像是大節慶一樣.

勝利了,當然要開香檳慶祝囉!看著學校 campus內 Green St上瘋狂慶祝的人潮,滿滿橘色的人海包圍了整條街,連警察們都開心的說,只要安全就好...看來,星期一晚上的冠軍賽,會讓這個城,陷入建校以來,最瘋狂熱鬧的局面吧?!

we won! And we want the No. 1!!

Final four food festival

Angels & Demons

The Pope died today. The western world has been impacted by the pontiff for the past 26 years in his papacy, and now the whole Catholic faithfuls are mourning for the death of the Holy Father.

My interest is more on the novel written by Dan Brown names "Angels and Demons" than the news itself. This intriguing novel describes the election of new Pope after pontiff dies and the mysterious murders in Vatican during the election. I almost finish the novel and found it so interesting when the news spreads out, and couldn't help to connect the plots of the novel to the real world.

Dan Brown is good at telling this kind of religion related stories. Not long time ago, the Roman Catholic Church officially condemned the book, "The Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown's best selling novel, as
"a pack of lies", and asked the followed rejecting to read it . How coincidently this time the current event is connected to his another book again? Really, I doubt whether he has some super power over the Church?! (Just kidding~)

Hopefully the book will have Chinese edition soon so that more people can read the story and find it how terrifyingly related to the news today.


Shame on me...scored 78!

I bowled 78 tonight in the second game. It was ok for my first game, 128, somewhat higher than my average. But for some unknown reason, I suddenly lost the consistency and got several gutters in the 2nd game tonight. My team lost the 2nd game, of course, all because of my fault...

I was so mad at myself that I showed a poker face all over the 2nd game. Fortunately I have considerate teammates to give me encouragement. And it turned out we ate a lot after the game... 大腸麵線!!


First Swing in 2005 新春第一桿

It was so windy today, but still full of Spring breeze and sunshine. I took out my #7 club and went to driving range just 45 minutes before sunset (about 1 hour before the strong storm warning, too).

It's been about 4 months since my last golf swing and therefore I was wondering if my entry level skill becomes rusty but it turned out to be quite ok. It's an exercise that I want to continuously practice since it's a self challenge, just like YOGA. You are the only competitor to yourself (of course to some others, not quite), and hearing the "ping" sound along with a beautiful long trajectory makes people feel so wonderful.

I, Feel, Great!!

Happy Birthday, Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh is my favorite artist, his passion and saturated colorful paintings deeply touched me, especially I am kind of person who favors color so much (from my pen bag everybody can no doubt tell that). My favorite painting of his is the "Starry Night")

Though I don't have an opportunity to visit France and places where he drew the paintings yet, I can image his passion came out not only from those pretty towns but also his inner impulsive energy driven by the nature of sign of Aries (I am an Aries, too). Aries should be always look into the bright side; however, his spiritual focus on thoughts and broad imagination were probably what made him suffered from the mysticism problem (also what made him a master beyond others).

Anyways, I don't have the problem (at least, yet). Today is his birthday, so I share this great song with all my blog readers.

By Don Mclean

Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul...
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land.

Now I understand
What you tried to say, to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free:
They would not listen; they did not know how -
Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

Now I understand
What you tried to say, to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free:
They would not listen; they did not know how --
Perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you
But still, your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do --
But I could've told you, Vincent:
This world was never meant
For one as beautiful as you.

Starry, Starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
The silver thorn, a bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

Now I think I know
What you tried to say, to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free:
They would not listen; they're not listening still --
Perhaps they never will.


Terrible B2B Class

Not until I have to take midterm exam do I realize how merely I understand this class. The professor gave out too many materials and the verbose technical terms and acronyms are way beyond my head. Plus, there's no point about this IT class to me. I was easily distracted in the class, and I struggled to understand the slides in his lectures. Moreover, I found few connections between this class and real B2B world.

I am not saying this class is not good, I am saying that I am not a IT person. There were some parts in the class intrigued me, and it's once a week class, pretty relaxing. What I don't agree was just the professor gave an exam right after spring break, and my brain cannot stuff anything heavy like this...




早 上吃完豐盛的養生餐後,過兩個小時 就餓了要吃午餐,然後四點又餓了開始吃晚餐,沒想到九點Tania說有咖哩,我就又吃了一大碗,外加辣雞翅數隻和一顆橘子一塊千層糖衣蛋糕...這樣的吃 法雖然和船上比起來有如小巫見大巫,但一想到減肥不但前功盡棄,還復胖好幾公斤,就有罪惡感哩!

而且不是只有我這樣喔,Tania 和 Frank都是一樣的,所以我們就一起吃個不停,昨晚吃完一碗飯後三個人都還各解決兩大碗泡菜豆腐湯和橘子,我還又吃了一碗草莓冰淇淋.如果把食物堆起來,恐怕很多人看到食慾都沒了吧??

問我值不值得??當然值得, 值得喔!

Beautiful Beautiful Spring is Coming to Town!

Great weather today!!

I enjoyed the sunshine and warm moist air in the afternoon, counting days I can begin to play golf. When passing by the swim pool in our apartment complex, I saw people were cleaning it...soon I can have BBQ by the outdoor pool and enjoy the pleasant days!!

If it were not because of the chill cold weather, I wouldn't have appreciated the Spring so much in this small town. Even seeing the trees burst to green sprouts made me so grateful. Really can't wait to see the whole town blossoming of pink flowers!!

Mandy's Logbook in Carribean

Now I posted some pictures in my new website for the cruising trip, and please take time to visit it:


I had so many new stories and special experience in this trip, so many to tell you that I have to create a new website to put all my memories in it.

Check it out very often as I will post the stories day by day

Enjoy it!


The Floating City - Carribean Princess docked in St. Maarten, Dutch Side (Left ship)

海上的移動城市 - 公主郵輪加勒比海號,
維京群島.聖馬汀, 荷蘭屬地


Adventure in Carribean

I had never imagined my spring break turned out to be the most exciting adventure in my lifetime, and it was so incredible that I could never forget it...

The plan of spring break started more than 3 months ago when I decided to go for a 7-day cruise in beautiful Carribean and Virgin Islands, and ended up with a series of unfortune events followed by the most wonderful cruise experience and a tired but content body.

All of my dietary and workout programs started from this semester was for this trip because I wanted to look good on board, and to be able to eat more without worrying too much about my weight. But how dareful I was to forget bringing my I-20 with me, the most important document to prove my identity of a student in the States. From the moment I was rejected on board the ship and left alone in the pier looking helplessly the ship setting out, my spring break had been completed changed, from the exciting expectation of luxurious enjoyemnt to the hopeless grief in addition to endless money spent to make up my mistake.

Sounds nothing more than another story of careless person destroying a planned trip, and it happens all the time, huh? Then you are refused to read my story...cuz you have no sympathy at all!!!!

OK, I just came back from the airport and you might have known that finally I still made the trip and was on board, spending 4 days happily on the cruise. But I am too tired to write my story now....please wait and then you can laugh at me by the time reading my navigator's logbook ~


Urbana Free Library

我在香檳最喜歡去的地方,除了超級市場以外就是圖書館了 (Law library排名第一, Urbana Free Library排第二).

法圖是用來唸書的地方,市立圖書館就是純娛樂了. 免費的DVD和CD任我借,親切的服務和友善的網站讓我一再留連.雖然每每我在圖書館待的時間都不會超過15分鐘,可是我喜歡極了這裡.

之 所以不會在圖書館待很久的原因,是因為我可以先在網站上預約想要看的電影DVD,如果Urbana圖書館的存貨已經外借,他們會想辦法幫我和其他圖書館調 貨,然後用email通知我去取貨.方便的程度讓我感動不已 (免費的耶!!) 所以一年來我看了不下一百部電影,多半都是這裡來的.

今天去了一趟圖書館才發現整個大樓剛剛整修完畢,又多了很多新的設施,偌大的空間也很舒適,重點是以前從不知道雜誌也可以外借.今天我就借到了二月份剛下架的時尚雜誌 Glamour還有兩本暢銷書,真是開心哪!!

看看自己身邊吧!很多免費的寶藏很美好的 (Ex.每周三下午2~4點去Sam's Club,有好多試吃品喔!!)




於 是我開始了自己一套非常精密的排行程活動. 說到排行程,我是把它當作一個大project來做的.去年暑假規劃的一個月大火車行程,就讓很多人嘖嘖稱奇,簡直是把Excel的功能發揮到極至. 本來嘛!! Excel是我吃飯的工具,當然要努力運用啊! 我把所有的班機時刻,轉機資訊,開車路程,觀光網站以及所有景點安排和預算全都規劃在我的檔案裡面. 需要的時候開一個檔案就包含了所有的資訊, 修改起來也非常方便. (不過這一招是來自於Tania的idea,去年要不是有她,我們的東岸行程不可能那麼順利的)

而且我對於跟Excel相關的事物都非常投入,總可以花個好多時間一做再做,什麼其他的事情都會丟著不管 (除了肚子餓以外), 研究精神看來只有做菜的時候才能相比.


I am just obsessed


吃東西的時候,想到等等跑步要跑好久,累的不得了,就跟自己說油的炸的別吃了 吧! 那麼,晚餐也別吃了,不然肚子上的油又要變厚了...好吧好吧!雖然那麼想睡覺,可是早起可以去運動,還是掙扎的從溫暖的被窩中爬出來好了. 一天量八次體重,總以為哪一次會有奇蹟出現,那個磅秤會顯示出我真正重量...朋友打電話來找我去喝酒,不行,超過六點不能吃東西...朋友悻悻然的說, 哪有人晚上六點以前喝啤酒的啊?







突然皇上四正. 愛新覺羅 (罡) 下旨要 日四又 格格(曼=我) 改名,因為大家都'書'了


書光 是皇上 (我以為他中文很好 原來不是如此)

書賢 是Tom (他的中文原名)

書包 是沛涵 (因為Tom都說他車旁邊坐的漂亮妹妹是書包)

書僮 是 Emily (歸書賢管的都叫書僮)

哈書 是詹姆士 (他姓許 Hsu,美國教授不會發音每次都發成哈書)

書家 是家雁 (當然是家)

曼曼書 是我 (再不去睡會更慢瘦,輸的可慘了)

不書 是Larsen (誰叫他不服皇旨,不肯跟著"書",本來皇上賜名"書多",念在他貢獻許多"良"書的 ex. FHM...)

書途同歸 是Angela (應該是被大家"書"昏了)

九書齊名 是皇上最後能召喚到的幾名老臣,你說大家是不是雍正王朝都看瘋了?!


CC's Blossoming of Dreams



搞 個網站寫下我的心得感想,原來是她的提議,可是我老跟她說沒時間啊! 現在好不容易有了時間,寫的挺開心,一到她的新聞站台後就發現自己幼稚園程度的網站真是可笑的很. 可是我只要一到她的站台,心靈層次立刻增加,跟吃了密技丸戰鬥力增強一百倍一樣厲害. 難怪每次我都會在她的網站逗留到深夜.


Blossoming of Dreams

所謂不能拿蘋果和香蕉比,也正如王文華說的,他寫的東西只能吸引 "同儕",暢銷書大賣的原因是因為目標市場跟故事書裡的人物背景相近. 我也是...

p.s. 王文華的墓誌銘

International Food Night 國際美食節

Great! My whole week effort was gone in one single dinner...

International Food Night is the biggest event International Business Society (IBS) has in MBA program. As a previous Executive Vice President and performer in the BottomLine Concert (The acapella chord we have in MBA), I must present and see how well the new IBS board does this year.

This event is to invite all the international students (including American too) to cook special cuisines representing their countries and share the culture, costume with other students in the program. Last year I was the coordinator of the event so I was too busy to cook a dish. This year we have so many Taiwanese 1st year students so I don't have opportunity to cook either. Last time I was unable to try any of the dish, yet this year I am on diet and decided not to eat dinner before the Carribean cruise. But I failed eventually...

After completed the performance, my mentee Trevor gave me the coupons right before I left, so I decided to try just 5 dishes, everything a tiny little bit. But it turned out everything was great, and people were so generous to give me a good portion of everything. See how much I ate:

3 Thai dishes and Thai tea,
4 Korean dishes, (including BBQ, spicy chicken, Kimba - Korean sushi, and Korean rice cake)
5 Taiwanese dishes, (Spicy Tofu, chicken stir fried, beef stew, fried sticky rice, and rice noodle)
Japanese read bean cake and 5-ingredient rice,
German sausage,
Jorden chicken rice,
Ukrainian twisted dessert
3 Turkish dishes (all good but I don't know the name)
Uruguayan rissole (meat pie)
Argentina tea
2 Indonesian dishes (beef stew and stew beef, huh??) and 2 desserts (layer cake and curry pie),

So how can I lose weight??

Ask which one I like most?? Hmm...maybe the Indonesian layer cake cuz it tasted better than what I had before!!

There was still lots food I didn't have opportunity to try, gourmet from Mexico, United States, Peru, Venezuela, Italy, and China. But I couldn't eat anything more so I fled away before the event ended. It seems I have no choice but go to the cruise with a big big belly....

想 一想一個晚上吃那麼多種不同的食物真是可怕耶...不過可以在一個晚上就 吃到環球美食也真是值得的了.更何況,這些食物都是由各個國家的人親手製作,真正道地的喔!!! 台灣人爭氣的很,不但出菜種類眾多,而且還提供了各式旅遊資訊,現場揮毫寫毛筆送給大家中文名字當紀念,大排長龍的景象也是其他國家少見的呢!

國 際美食節最難的部分其實是集結那麼多國家的同學在忙碌的課業之餘煮菜,以及製作代表各國的旅遊簡介. 為了不讓自己的國家丟臉,大家都非常盡力的使出渾身解數,讓我感動的很哪!! 雖然我是拿了那麼多種不同的菜,但每一種我都只有吃一口,其他的就全都堆到男同學們的盤子裡啦!!

No Comment

I admit, I've been productive on this blog for the past few weeks except this week.

That was because, I had a midterm, I want to exercise more, I need to prepare for my Spring break cruising trip, and most important of all, No comment appears on my website!!

It means, nobody is reading this blah blah long and boring stuff. So why bother to write and post it everyday? Though I enjoy writing and reading my life like this, and maintaining this website inspires my thoughts a lot...nobody wants to give me a comment for two weeks!!

OK! OK! That's fine...I will still keep the articles rolling..at long as I don't bore you...enjoy being a silent reader!!

Million Dollar Baby

A great movie I've seen recently!

If I was not in the process of working out and keeping fit now, I might not have felt so strongly about this movie. Now I know how difficult it is to become a successful athlete and how much resolution you need to have to keep perserverant. Everybody sat around me was weeping in the theater, even my male friend sobbed in the end of the movie. I was sad, because Hilary Swank was such a sweet and strong girl, and Clint Eastwood was such a nice and father-like boss in the movie. The combination of the two characters touched me because they were like family, becoming each other's support and spirits in the their lives of boxing.

It makes me think of my dad, a completely devoted nice guy and the most important one in my life, far away from me now in Taiwan. If I didn't have a father like him, I wouldn't have been moved by this movie so deeply either. Whether he is beside me or not, he is always with me and I feel the strongest support from him of any decision I've made.

Anyways, I enjoy watching movies. I enjoy repeatly watching the same movie too. If it was an old movie, I have different feeling now from watching it before in Taiwan with Chinese subtitle. Watching in the theater is also different from watching it at home. I mean, when I was in the theater, there's no subtitle, so I have to concentrate on the faces and expression of the actors to understand when they tried to express. But if I am home watching DVD with subtitles (I always pretend that I am deaf, cuz the subtitles are designed for people with hearing impediments), I focuses more on how they used the words and couldn't help staring at the subtitles (which is bad for my listening, I know). The same movie always gives me different feeling and inspiration each time. Besides, I have good short-term memories but I forget easily (is it kind of disease?? But the good thing is I don't keep bad memory for a long time either), so every time the movie becomes a whole new experience to me. Isn't it fun?



IMPE 是我們學校健身房的簡稱.對於熱愛運動的人來說,這個學校大如足球場的運動中心真是天堂. 奧林匹亞級的室內溫水泳池,戶外網球場和在夏天時人潮洶湧的戶外泳池,無數的璧球(squash & raquetball都有)網球羽球籃球場,數不清的健身室還有設備齊全的淋浴間,加上最近剛完成翻新增建的新左翼大樓,可能沒有一家私人俱樂部可以比得 上吧! 可惜我一直都沒有時間可以好好的來這裡健身一下,每學期就傻傻的被學校扣了500大洋的學費給別人來用,實在是不划算極了!

當然 我不常來是有原因的.我住的社區附設的小型健身房已經足夠我使用,戶外池畔在夏天還可以BBQ和泡SPA,而且學校裡平日停車要付費,我當然不會捨近求 遠,給自 己找麻煩囉!況且,學校的健身設施都要登記排隊,社區裡的健身房不但人少,而且電視還可以我隨便轉台,運動完立刻回家沐浴梳洗,實在也是夠方便的了!


一 早梳洗完畢後就到隔壁鄰居家car pool一起去健身,幾個人有了伴運動起來也特別起勁.尤其在學校裡看到大家都那麼的苗條 (中西部的人其實胖的居多,會願意來健身房運動的當然是比較瘦的),加上每個人都起勁的很,自然有了激勵的效果,讓我每次都待個兩小時才心甘情願的回家.




嘿! 休士頓真是個好地方(只限春暖花開的好三月),有我美麗的高貴嬸婆,有我木訥體人的好叔公,三天的行程實在太短,不夠我好好的深入遊玩一番.依依不捨的情結下,果然吧!趕不上飛機了!

說來也好笑,明明就有大把的時間,我們叔姪兩人卻糊裡糊塗的在中國城裡四處閒逛,一下在超市買雜貨乾糧,一下到麵包店紅豆餅肉包,然後又興致沖沖的在人擠人的燒臘店排隊買燒鴨乳豬 (沒錯,這些東西香檳都沒有!!我有合情合理的緣由要買) .最後發現時間已經不夠了,還要到老北平愛的’老地方’吃碗香辣紅燒牛肉麵!!也活該我倆趕不上飛機囉!! (錯!是我趕不上!) 其實說我倆糊塗也不是,因為我們明明都清楚搭飛機的時間,也知道要提早到達.況且,一早我們就已經計畫好要在3:00左右到機場,誰知道搞到七晚八晚才從中國城出發,真是活該!

3:48的飛機我們居然搞到3:25才到機場,想也知道是趕不上飛機的.一路上叔公盡了全力的飛奔,他65歲的一個人(平常在公司被人尊稱為Dr. Chiang的一個學者),滿頭大汗的在Tollway(因為趕時間就不走Freeway)上奔馳,穿過三個貴到嚇死人的收費站(每個要$1.25大洋,想想我們O’hare機場一次80cents還真是便宜多了),就算趕不上我也感激涕零沒話說了.

還好還好,叔公幫我買的機票是可以改行程的,於是我順利的改搭下一班飛機,仍舊可以接上原定從芝加哥飛往香檳的班機.等待的兩個小時中,我就把機場貴賓室網咖用,一邊上網一邊吃喝好不愉快! 不但沒有浪費時間,還得到舒適的享受(所以說辦一張Priority Pass真是很重要哩!)

休士頓行程安排在期中考前三天,我也還真是有夠大膽的. 本以為每天在叔公家可以努力唸書,誰知道光是吃喝玩樂上美容教室都來不及,怎麼有機會溫書?看來,回到香檳後又是一番苦戰囉!!


Sweetwater Beauty Bootcamp! 甜水鎮美容改造班

我有一個神奇的嬸婆. 說她是"婆"還真是委屈她了.其實嬸婆和媽媽年紀相仿,年輕的時候是著名的芭蕾舞家,現在則在知名品牌Ralph Lauren擔任Fashion Consultant. 想當然爾,她對於美和時尚有一番獨到的見解. 好不容易來到德州拜訪她的我,當然要好好的請教一番囉!

一早起床,先喝一杯排毒養生果汁,加上一顆功效有如如人蔘的番薯,然後出門到Country Club健身. 一小時的Pilates呼吸吐息之後,緊接著慢跑和做瘦身儀器,再洗個舒服的熱水澡,一個早上就過去了.

一 天要喝三千CC由金字塔能量活水機吐出來的優質宇宙能量磁化水 (聽起來夠炫夠神奇吧?), 吃一把有機的無農藥自家產青菜,還要研究美姿美儀, 練習把脖子拉長,延伸背部線條的美體操. 最後再把頭髮修剪一下,畫上濃濃長長的睫毛, 就會流露出一種自然美女的高雅氣質. 我看再住下去,我就會健康的像個仙女一樣了!!

這 個城市名叫 Sugar Land, 這個小鎮叫做 Sweetwater (真是甜蜜蜜!),處處林立著五百萬美金以上,令人炫目不已的豪宅.週末時 Country Club 的 golf course parking lot 就像個名車大賞般, 擠滿了背著名牌球袋的球客. 貴太太們相約一塊打網球吃下午茶, 還有一整家子人提著大包小包進到有半個IMPE(我們學校的健身房)大的Gym運動; 排隊打璧球的,大汗淋漓剛鬥完牛的,熱熱鬧鬧的滿滿一屋子人,真是讓人見識到這種豪華生活的健康大不易啊!!

Waterfall in Williams Tower, Houston
Posted by Hello

Texas Starndard


所以人家常說,''Texas Standard" or "Texas Size"來形容大份量,大體積的事物.十年前第一次來德州的時候就被大的驚人的牧場和無敵12線道的高速公路嚇得兩腳發軟,沒想到十年後再訪德州,還是有一模一樣的感覺,數大但不甚美啊!!

China Town越蓋越大,簡直可以和LA Montery Park比美了!包容當然是應有盡有,物美價廉,舉凡台灣的世運麵包店,阿宗麵線,世界書局或是各色南北小吃,蚵仔煎.香菇肉羹.肉圓.薑母鴨,叫的出名字的都吃得到,看得我恨不得到香檳開家小吃店了!

逛了Houston 最大最豪華的 Galleria Mall,滿足鄉下人進城的採購慾後,我開心的和遠從 Austin 前來招待我的 Kuo 學長一塊到 Cheesecake Factory 大快朵頤.不知道是不是心理作用,本來就屬於大份量的這家餐廳,到了德州似乎份量又變得更多了.吃得我們兩眼發直,服務生來問我們三次要不要打包,似乎知 道每桌客人都會帶走似的.

壯觀的人造大瀑布就在高樓Williams Tower 的旁邊,很難想像這種人工造景的瀑布居然也有氣勢逼人的魄力,水花飛濺,真是清涼暢快無比啊! 附帶一提的是,我遠從30 度零下低溫的香檳飛過來真是值得,溫暖宜人的空氣和77度和煦的陽光照耀下,很難不讓人心情舒暢,忘卻一切煩憂啊!

如果說有什麼讓人不滿意的地方,大概就是所有大城市都有的恐怖交通了吧! 尖峰時段的車陣,把我們塞得動彈不得,一段20分鐘的車程足足開了一個半小時才到.我相信Kuo學長一定累趴了,一整天都在開車真是辛苦啊!!


VIVA!! U of I !! 香檳萬歲!!

I am on my way heading for Houston, Texas to visit my grand auntie and grand uncle.

To my surprise, I can access to school's wireless in the airport. It's our school's airport, and I am proud of it! Every time I arrive this airport, the familiar feeling comes back (feel like home), and I can see the banner with "Welcome to University of Illinois" when I walked out of the gate. Really small (only 2 gates, and 17 flights in and out everyday) but cool airport!!

I am proud of my school's unbeaten baseketball team, the No. 1 team in the States and we will fight with Purdue for the 2nd last game tonight. Whip them Illini !!! (Newly update on 03/13/05: We lost the last game before the off-season, sad!)

The C-U (Champaign-Urbana) Bus is cool, too. Whenever there's event, all the buses in town change the electronic billboard in front of the bus (It was supposed to show the bus route # only) and reflect the event in a humorous way...Very creative!!

For example, all the buses changed the board to "Go Illini !! Whip the Wildcat!!" the day we fought with Northweasten, and we did whip them heavily (84-48). On the Valentine's day, the buses would wish everyone a "Happy Valentine's Day", isn't it cool??

OK, time to board....


Student ID


預約看醫生,卻發現沒帶學生證; 想去退學雜費,沒有學生證. 好吧!只好坐公車回家拿....居然沒有學生證,不能搭免費的公車!! 更慘的是,我根本就是一整個錢包都沒帶 (爲什麼這樣我還在學校混了一整天都沒發現??),所以連公車錢都付不出來!!

走 路回家??門都沒有!! 今天不曉得爲什麼大雪狂下,冷到只有二十五度 (-4 C),走到家我就凍成Ice Age裡面的那隻松鼠了!! 於是, 我只好厚著臉皮跟司機說,我忘了帶錢包,可不可以明天再給你看學生證.哈哈 好糗!!還好司機人挺灑脫,笑笑的就讓我上了車...慘!!

還 好,在學校的保健室外被我逮到那個開我罰單的可恨停車管理員,我 氣沖沖的我的計時器只超過一分鐘,怎麼可以開我一張高達十塊美金的罰單 (而且我放著藥沒拿就衝出來耶).他人倒挺好,看了看錶就把我那張罰單收走,還告訴我下次如果因為領藥超時,可以申退的...真是個好人 :) 省了十塊錢.

一開心我就去書店買了一本 low fat 的美麗食譜, 裡面的菜式真是低卡又美觀,讓人心動不已.有機會一定要來做做看....

bread pudding
Posted by Hello


Yorkshire Bread Pudding 約克夏布丁

Yes, I am on diet. Yes, I decide not to eat dinner. But, I couldn't help to cook...

I looked into my fridge and found some great ingredients for making a bread pudding.

I should have put some raisin (which I don't eat), pecans (Tania doesn't eat), and cinnamon (Neal doesn't eat) into my pudding but I lacked of these ingredients, plus it was too troublesome to add something people don't eat. So I decided to make a plain bread pudding and it turned out very very tasty :)

List of "beneficiaries": Apt 3076, Apt 3069, Apt ?? (what is Larsen and Rex's apt number) , Warriors in Apt 2066,(above from U. Comm) and Harryanto from Hessel on the Park.

Great, I only had one very small bite of this 8'' big pudding. Haha...I am not the one who's gonna be FAT!!

約 克夏布丁是英國約克夏郡的傳統美食之一. 這美味的麵包布丁其實原本是配著烤牛肉吃鹹的(有點像美國人配烤火雞吃的stuffing). 不過在台灣我最愛的勞瑞斯牛肋排餐廳 Lawry's The Prime Rib 把這道菜做成了甜點,當我第一次吃到時就對它的美味產生深深的感動.這烤麵包布丁原本應該要放whiskey sauce,可是我把它改良成了白酒醬,吃來既不會太濃烈又帶著一股清香.雖然剛烤出來賣相超佳,可是我居然忘了照相,就立刻把它切一切分送出去,真是太 遺憾了 (希望Tania有成功的把她們家的那兩塊照下來)




Dear Warriors in 2066:

Thanks for the great dinner tonight. Actually, thanks for helping me consuming all my food tonight. If it were not you, I wouldn't have had a great evening and enjoy the great food (which Tom and I made), the movie (which I didn't really pay attention to), the desserts beignets (which I brought the ingredient from New Orleans), the wonderful mudslides (the only thing C.O. Neal can make) and cafe au lait (PV Farrales did a great job!). How can I lose weight then? Although I worked out for more than 1 hour today, it was invalid....



電影Sideways在台灣被翻譯成一個怪怪的名字.其實故事的主角在片中並沒有刻意的尋找什麼所謂的心方向 (新方向),而是觀眾在欣賞本片的同時,從那些詼諧的片段中找出一些自己獨有的新方向吧!

在朋友的大力推薦下我滿懷期待的看了這部片,故事的本身並不令我特 別感動,但是看完以後那股深深的餘韻,繚繞在胸口的感覺,就跟片中不斷出現的美酒Pinot Noir一樣香陳.在美國住的這些日子,喝的紅白酒比我以前喝過的全部加起來十倍還要多,在價格便宜品質又好取得容易的情況驅使下,我和朋友的佐餐飲料絕 對少不了一瓶酒,所以對於酒的喜愛也與日俱增.好的酒給人的價值常常超越了喝酒的特殊場合.許多人都把好酒存起來,等待一個絕佳的時機才打開品嘗.但就像 電影中女主角說的,當你打開這瓶好酒的那一天,這一天就因為這瓶酒而變得特殊了.誰說一定要找一個特別的日子才能喝酒慶祝,怎不能為了一瓶好酒而慶祝,使 得一天變得特別呢?



Smoke Detector

Tania買了一個做韓式烤肉的鍋子(看吧!我們一天到晚都在吃韓國菜),於是邀請我們一起吃她做的烤肉.沒想到我才一踏進她們家門,煙霧緊報器就狂叫了 起來,害得我們每個人都被震到耳鳴. 我們想各種辦法停止警鈴,又是煽風又是拿塑膠袋蓋的,還在狂冷的寒夜裡大開門戶"散熱",凍得我要穿起雪衣吃飯,可是烤肉實在太好吃,我就趁著警鈴大做, 所有人都忙得不可開交的時候,一口氣把肉都吃光光,哈哈哈!

The Notebook

Have you seen the movie "The Notebook"? It's a very touching movie....

This week my apartment complex offers a movie week, and we can borrow new DVDs for free every day. So far I've borrowed 5 movies and all of them were terrible (Vanity Fair, Code 46, Danny something??, Sky Captain & something) except this one. It's about an old couple's love story. I couldn't help cried several times in the middle of the movie. If one person can have a company for his/her whole life, every day he/she will full of hope waking up. That's divine~

Bowled 135!!

I thought we would have cosmic bowling tonight but it turned out just a normal game.

Good thing: I bowled 135, 119 for both games, which were my highest score in the league ever. The first game I got same score as Posen (thanks to his gutter), amazing!!

Sad thing: We lost one game so we are not unbeaten any more (Not like our school's 28-0 unbeaten record)

Finally I am not a shame in the family. Dad and Mom are both good players! BTW, my goal in this semester is to get average of 110!!





最有效的咳嗽糖漿是Robitussin的 DM (綠色瓶身) , 可是也難喝的緊. Sam's Club有賣那種generic的配方 (就是指成分相同但沒有品牌的)兩大瓶(12 oz X 2)才三塊多錢,保證喝到上癮!!


今天在吃晚餐時,我一直不停的重複著說: 怎麼會那麼好吃呢?雖然聽起來有點誇張,但好吃的程度真是不輸給餐廳賣的喔!

白飯 半碗

韓式辣椒醬 一大匙
韓式辣椒粉 半大匙
泡菜兩片 切段
洋蔥 半個
青蔥 少許
馬鈴薯 一個 (切塊)
豆芽菜 適量
波菜葉 適量
牛肉片 適量 (可用少許醬油糖和蒜先醃過)
嫩豆腐 半條
糖 鹽 各1/2小匙
醬油 麻油 少許
蛋 一個
高湯 兩碗



煎餅粉 半杯
水 半杯
泡菜 一片 切段
青蔥 一根 切段
洋蔥 1/4個 切長條
綜合海鮮 半杯





雖然沒有元宵節的氣氛,但元宵是一定要吃的啦! Tania煮了一顆芝麻湯圓還有一顆"綠茶芋頭"湯圓給我放在紅棗桂圓湯裡吃 (真是超特別的組合!),感覺好好喔!!

Got 2 cool classes!!

I took three classes this semester, and two out of them are really cool.

Spreadsheet Management: This is basically advanced Excel class and I am so into the class. People now either call me excel queen or excel nerd (I don't care) because I like Excel so much!!

B2B E-commerce: I learn something in this class too. Two weeks ago I learned how to write XML, which was new to me (10 years ago I use HTML to write my website, now there's something advanced and I didn't learn a thing for the past 10 years!!) And today I learned how to use MS Access to create queries (which I should have learned in HSBC 2 years ago but I was too lazy to understand by then)

Feel very proud of myself although I keep complaining about this MBA program, I did learn something!!


I am an aunt again!

My college friend Juliet gave birth to a baby boy in Madison, Wisconsin on Valentine's Day. And I beocme an aunt again. This is the third time in this year (and it's only February!) .

Madison must be a smaller town than here in Champaign, because the news they have a baby was released on the local paper!! Incredible....




今 天覺得身體稍稍的好了一些,前幾天沒了的食慾突然的就一下子恢復了(真可惡).雖然一直告誡自己不要再吃晚餐了,可是還是忍不住的烤了一堆 blueberry muffins,因為突然想吃甜的東西.哈哈!趁著同學來家裡開會的機會趕快一人一個銷出去,我自己只吃了一個喔! (Martha White這個牌子的鬆糕粉最便宜又最好吃,尤其是banana poppy seed,讚!)


CNY Party

On Feb 10, I invited some of my international friends to my apartment to enjoy the Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner (年夜飯), and we had lots of fun. It's actually my first time to cook for Chinese New Year, and I spent more than one week to prepare!! The delicious menu is as follows:

1. Drunk Chicken 醉雞
2. Sliced Beef 魯牛腱
3. Crispy Tofu 脆皮豆腐
4. Sticky Rice Meatball 珍珠丸子
5. Cabbage wrapped with spinach 白玉翡翠
6. mushroom beef 蘑菇醬牛肉
7. stir-fry 燴高麗菜
8. Bamboo Pork 筍乾紅燒肉
9. Fried Rice Cake 炸年糕

I made the rice cake by myself (of course from scratch, not just buy a rick cake from store), and of course I made everything step by step (I might post some of the receipes later). Incredibly 10 people finished the food I made for about 20 people....very great achievement!!

CNY food

This is the food !!

Miss Golfing

took in golf tournament 2004

啊!春天快些來吧!我收到了雙月刊 golf for woman,才發現已經好久沒有打球了耶!我的球袋上必定積了好厚的一層灰吧! 真期待可以打球的日子啊!

winter banquet