La Vie De La Rose Noir
First Swing in 2005 新春第一桿
It was so windy today, but still full of Spring breeze and sunshine. I took out my #7 club and went to driving range just 45 minutes before ...
Happy Birthday, Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh is my favorite artist, his passion and saturated colorful paintings deeply touched me, especially I am kind of person who favors co...
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Terrible B2B Class
Not until I have to take midterm exam do I realize how merely I understand this class. The professor gave out too many materials and the ver...
不知道是不是船上吃太多的關係,我們回來後一下子居然不能習慣,沒幾個小時就會餓,真的是恐怖喔~~ 早 上吃完豐盛的養生餐後,過兩個小時 就餓了要吃午餐,然後四點又餓了開始吃晚餐,沒想到九點Tania說有咖哩,我就又吃了一大碗,外加辣雞翅數隻和一顆橘子一塊千層糖衣蛋糕...這樣的吃 ...
Beautiful Beautiful Spring is Coming to Town!
Great weather today!! I enjoyed the sunshine and warm moist air in the afternoon, counting days I can begin to play golf. When passing by th...
Mandy's Logbook in Carribean
Now I posted some pictures in my new website for the cruising trip, and please take time to visit it: 加勒比海的奇蹟與冒險 I had so many new stories a...
The Floating City - Carribean Princess docked in St. Maarten, Dutch Side (Left ship) 海上的移動城市 - 公主郵輪加勒比海號, 維京群島. 聖馬汀, 荷蘭屬地 聖馬汀分屬法國和荷蘭轄管,我們的船...
Adventure in Carribean
I had never imagined my spring break turned out to be the most exciting adventure in my lifetime, and it was so incredible that I could neve...
Urbana Free Library
我在香檳最喜歡去的地方,除了超級市場以外就是圖書館了 (Law library排名第一, Urbana Free Library排第二). 法圖是用來唸書的地方,市立圖書館就是純娛樂了. 免費的DVD和CD任我借,親切的服務和友善的網站讓我一再留連.雖然每每我在圖書館待的時間都不...
我最開心的事情終於成真了!! 在好說歹說半騙半哄外加裝可憐,搞了半年之後,爸媽終於忍痛放下家中的兩隻狗,要來參加我的畢業典禮了...看來我一定要親自打電話去奶奶家道謝,順帶請他們好好照顧寶貝狗,不然我可真的會變成"人不如狗"了... 於 是我開始了自己一套非常...
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I am just obsessed
我最近一直在想專心一意和沉迷的分界點到底在哪裡.... 吃東西的時候,想到等等跑步要跑好久,累的不得了,就跟自己說油的炸的別吃了 吧! 那麼,晚餐也別吃了,不然肚子上的油又要變厚了...好吧好吧!雖然那麼想睡覺,可是早起可以去運動,還是掙扎的從溫暖的被窩中爬出來好了. 一天量八次...
深夜12點半,再不去睡覺明早就起不來"甩油"了! 突然皇上四正. 愛新覺羅 (罡) 下旨要 日四又 格格(曼=我) 改名,因為大家都'書'了 我莫名其妙的開了MSN一看,怪怪!!香檳台灣人全都瘋了,大家都書了起來: 書光 ...
CC's Blossoming of Dreams
人有的時候會吸收一些和自己磁場不太一樣的的能量,然後把自己變的更強壯.不是抵抗力好不好的問題,而是不同的磁場反而特別吸引人吧!所謂異性相吸的原理是什麼我搞不太清楚,但我知道我的朋友常常和我有天壤之別,而讓我尊敬的很! 好久沒有聯絡的CC,在我眼裡是神奇的人物,寫詩作畫每每讓我驚嘆...
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International Food Night 國際美食節
Great! My whole week effort was gone in one single dinner... International Food Night is the biggest event International Business Society (I...
No Comment
I admit, I've been productive on this blog for the past few weeks except this week. That was because, I had a midterm, I want to exercis...
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