
Adventure in Carribean

I had never imagined my spring break turned out to be the most exciting adventure in my lifetime, and it was so incredible that I could never forget it...

The plan of spring break started more than 3 months ago when I decided to go for a 7-day cruise in beautiful Carribean and Virgin Islands, and ended up with a series of unfortune events followed by the most wonderful cruise experience and a tired but content body.

All of my dietary and workout programs started from this semester was for this trip because I wanted to look good on board, and to be able to eat more without worrying too much about my weight. But how dareful I was to forget bringing my I-20 with me, the most important document to prove my identity of a student in the States. From the moment I was rejected on board the ship and left alone in the pier looking helplessly the ship setting out, my spring break had been completed changed, from the exciting expectation of luxurious enjoyemnt to the hopeless grief in addition to endless money spent to make up my mistake.

Sounds nothing more than another story of careless person destroying a planned trip, and it happens all the time, huh? Then you are refused to read my story...cuz you have no sympathy at all!!!!

OK, I just came back from the airport and you might have known that finally I still made the trip and was on board, spending 4 days happily on the cruise. But I am too tired to write my story now....please wait and then you can laugh at me by the time reading my navigator's logbook ~

