Great! My whole week effort was gone in one single dinner...
International Food Night is the biggest event International Business Society (IBS) has in MBA program. As a previous Executive Vice President and performer in the BottomLine Concert (The acapella chord we have in MBA), I must present and see how well the new IBS board does this year.
This event is to invite all the international students (including American too) to cook special cuisines representing their countries and share the culture, costume with other students in the program. Last year I was the coordinator of the event so I was too busy to cook a dish. This year we have so many Taiwanese 1st year students so I don't have opportunity to cook either. Last time I was unable to try any of the dish, yet this year I am on diet and decided not to eat dinner before the Carribean cruise. But I failed eventually...
After completed the performance, my mentee Trevor gave me the coupons right before I left, so I decided to try just 5 dishes, everything a tiny little bit. But it turned out everything was great, and people were so generous to give me a good portion of everything. See how much I ate:
3 Thai dishes and Thai tea,
4 Korean dishes, (including BBQ, spicy chicken, Kimba - Korean sushi, and Korean rice cake)
5 Taiwanese dishes, (Spicy Tofu, chicken stir fried, beef stew, fried sticky rice, and rice noodle)
Japanese read bean cake and 5-ingredient rice,
German sausage,
Jorden chicken rice,
Ukrainian twisted dessert
3 Turkish dishes (all good but I don't know the name)
Uruguayan rissole (meat pie)
Argentina tea
2 Indonesian dishes (beef stew and stew beef, huh??) and 2 desserts (layer cake and curry pie),
So how can I lose weight??
Ask which one I like most?? Hmm...maybe the Indonesian layer cake cuz it tasted better than what I had before!!
There was still lots food I didn't have opportunity to try, gourmet from Mexico, United States, Peru, Venezuela, Italy, and China. But I couldn't eat anything more so I fled away before the event ended. It seems I have no choice but go to the cruise with a big big belly....
想 一想一個晚上吃那麼多種不同的食物真是可怕耶...不過可以在一個晚上就 吃到環球美食也真是值得的了.更何況,這些食物都是由各個國家的人親手製作,真正道地的喔!!! 台灣人爭氣的很,不但出菜種類眾多,而且還提供了各式旅遊資訊,現場揮毫寫毛筆送給大家中文名字當紀念,大排長龍的景象也是其他國家少見的呢!
國 際美食節最難的部分其實是集結那麼多國家的同學在忙碌的課業之餘煮菜,以及製作代表各國的旅遊簡介. 為了不讓自己的國家丟臉,大家都非常盡力的使出渾身解數,讓我感動的很哪!! 雖然我是拿了那麼多種不同的菜,但每一種我都只有吃一口,其他的就全都堆到男同學們的盤子裡啦!!