還沒正式的成為員工,我們就被邀請到Johnson&Johnson的總公司所在地 New Brunswick, NJ 參加一年一度的股東大會. 雖然公司幫我們安排周到,可是剛巧碰上家人來訪,我得把他們丟在芝加哥,然後又是沒趕上飛機 ( 怪了,我明明一早就到機場,可是卻還是錯過,而且原因離奇,居然是飛機提早飛走,哪有這樣的事?) , 即便是初次坐在加長型禮車裡,我還是累的說不出話來了. 幸好是提前一天到達,還有喘息的時間,我叫了Room Service,滿滿一桌子的美食當前,總算是把我一身的疲憊給褪去了.
期待中的股東大會,應該是股東和管理階層針鋒相對的緊張局面,不然就是像台灣那樣股東叫囂的場面,結果完全不是那麼一回事. 滿滿的會場裡,坐的多半是年過七十的老先生老太太,拄著柺杖的,坐著輪椅的,大家全都面帶著微笑,興致勃勃的盯著我們這群新進員工瞧. 首先CEO William Weldon介紹我們這一群即將從MBA畢業奔赴世界各地爲 JNJ 賺錢的人員,然後他緊接著就報告公司營利業績和增加股利的消息.股東們當然開心,所以也沒有人提問尖刻的問題,整個股東大會就在各部門介紹產品和未來展望 中和平的落幕. 然後公司爲股東們準備了精緻的餐點,我們則回到公司吃平淡無味的自助餐.
這趟旅程最大的震撼是JNJ的總公司,居然只是在小鎮裡的一棟完全不起眼的大樓,沒有堂皇的裝飾,也沒有顯眼的招牌,非常低調的座落在路邊,不像一般美國的大企業,總是有成排成排的大樓和園區,果然徹底的實行公司Decentralized 的制度啊!
Suprise Suprise!! Black Rose's Suprise Party
I didn't expect it at all but I somehow sensed something differently.
So many people said Happy Birthday to me the day before my real birthday, and most of my good friends behaved so cold to me and so indifferent about my bday these days. But I told myself that's because everybody was busy, and I was busy too. Anyhow I bought myself a bday gift, Mandy's mini blue ipod, so I shouldn't expect too much.
Right before the moment I was about to go to bed, my roommate knocked on my door and suddenly open it. I didn't hear anything and didn't turn my head until she called my name again.
Then I saw, holy cXX, a bunch of people filled in my big living room and everyone held a rose tied with black ribbon, exactly look like the rose in the movie "Phantom of the Opera", and they started to say Happy Birthday to me, one by one.
I was sooooooooo... extremely suprised because one hour ago two of my friends stopped by my place and we just had a pre-bday, big strawberry cake. I thought that's the only bday cake I would have and that's already good enough (my favorite, strawberry shortcake).
Then I walked out of my room, with my awkward pajamas....holy cXX again, more people had been out of my sight in the dining room, by the kitchen, and everywhere, all holding a rose and a bday card inprinted roses. My big apartment suddenly became so small and crowded, and suddenly so much love spreaded out.
I almost cried but I was too touched to let out the tears. Then everyone gave me the rose and the card, and the whole bunch of warm wishes. All my friends were here, exactly at 12am to celebrate my 30th birthday. We counted cakes...4!! Not only one cake did I get, but 4!!
The party lasted short cuz it was late, but very warm and touching (and very noisy, too). Tania and Iris spent almost 2 weeks to plan this suprise party and they've got all the people driving everywhere from Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy to my place at midnight! Especially Tania is the one who usually goes to bed before 11pm, even on the cruise, and I kept her awake till 1 am!! Everybody gave me gift with roses printing, engraving, or fragrance, only because I always call myself BLK Rose. So thoughtful, so suprising!!
Really, it's very touching and a real suprise for me!! Thanks everyone, you gave me the most unforgettable birthday party ever and I shall always smile when thinking of all these!!
So many people said Happy Birthday to me the day before my real birthday, and most of my good friends behaved so cold to me and so indifferent about my bday these days. But I told myself that's because everybody was busy, and I was busy too. Anyhow I bought myself a bday gift, Mandy's mini blue ipod, so I shouldn't expect too much.
Right before the moment I was about to go to bed, my roommate knocked on my door and suddenly open it. I didn't hear anything and didn't turn my head until she called my name again.
Then I saw, holy cXX, a bunch of people filled in my big living room and everyone held a rose tied with black ribbon, exactly look like the rose in the movie "Phantom of the Opera", and they started to say Happy Birthday to me, one by one.
I was sooooooooo... extremely suprised because one hour ago two of my friends stopped by my place and we just had a pre-bday, big strawberry cake. I thought that's the only bday cake I would have and that's already good enough (my favorite, strawberry shortcake).
Then I walked out of my room, with my awkward pajamas....holy cXX again, more people had been out of my sight in the dining room, by the kitchen, and everywhere, all holding a rose and a bday card inprinted roses. My big apartment suddenly became so small and crowded, and suddenly so much love spreaded out.
I almost cried but I was too touched to let out the tears. Then everyone gave me the rose and the card, and the whole bunch of warm wishes. All my friends were here, exactly at 12am to celebrate my 30th birthday. We counted cakes...4!! Not only one cake did I get, but 4!!
The party lasted short cuz it was late, but very warm and touching (and very noisy, too). Tania and Iris spent almost 2 weeks to plan this suprise party and they've got all the people driving everywhere from Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy to my place at midnight! Especially Tania is the one who usually goes to bed before 11pm, even on the cruise, and I kept her awake till 1 am!! Everybody gave me gift with roses printing, engraving, or fragrance, only because I always call myself BLK Rose. So thoughtful, so suprising!!
Really, it's very touching and a real suprise for me!! Thanks everyone, you gave me the most unforgettable birthday party ever and I shall always smile when thinking of all these!!
Happy Birthday, Dear Mandy
I am the first one to say Happy Birthday to myself.
It's a milestone, that I am 30 years old already. It's a special moment, cuz no one but I have the right to control myself from now on (It's a mental thing, isn't it? Very spiritual~). It's the start point from which new territory of life awaits me to explore.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday. Live Strong and Happily!
Black smoke roared out of Vatican
我懷疑, Dan Brown (達文西密碼的作者)有預言的能力.
在他的小說Angels & Demons裡他提到了教宗的死和教廷的選舉. 他提及教廷一日中選了數次都選不出教宗 (所以燃燒了選票, 從西斯汀禮拜堂禮冒出黑煙), 現實世界裡 居然也是如此,真讓人毛骨悚然啊!!希望這本書趕快出中文版,這樣我就不會只能一個人自說自話而沒人可以討論劇情了.
在他的小說Angels & Demons裡他提到了教宗的死和教廷的選舉. 他提及教廷一日中選了數次都選不出教宗 (所以燃燒了選票, 從西斯汀禮拜堂禮冒出黑煙), 現實世界裡 居然也是如此,真讓人毛骨悚然啊!!希望這本書趕快出中文版,這樣我就不會只能一個人自說自話而沒人可以討論劇情了.
因為無聊沒事幹,所以我決定跑到最遠的那家Super Wal-mart買衛生紙. 我開車喜歡邊走邊玩,一下去遠東超市晃晃,一下停在路邊照相,然後再洗洗車,一段十五分鐘的車程我搞了四十分鐘才開到. 我逛超市也喜歡邊逛邊玩, 一下站在購物車上溜滑輪,一下研究新產品和使用說明,明明是買衛生紙我也可以花個三四十塊錢, 當然,多半都不是原先計畫要買的. 還好我是吃飽了晚餐才出發,不然美國超市這種誘人的銷售方法,又是賣炸雞又是試吃的,肯定又要讓我多花好多錢.
好了,花了兩個半小時總算是心滿意足了, 回到家時卻發現....我的手機不見了!! 剛剛還在購物車上看到啊...?!
一路又飆回那個最遠的超市,一邊罵自己無聊,沒事幹嘛跑那麼遠去買個衛生 紙.真是拿自己尋開心的. 停車場的購物車堆放處已經沒了我的手機,我怯生生的跑進店裡問店員,他們笑笑說,啊!原來那是你的啊?有有有,幫你收起來了. 呼!真是嚇死我了,不要都到了要離開的時候才掉手機,那真是麻煩多多啊!!
這兩年來,我好像常常掉東西,從手機錢包滑鼠到相機鑰匙都掉過,真懷疑,自己怎麼有那麼多的好運,幾乎都找回來了. (Knock wood knock wood!!)
因為無聊沒事幹,所以我決定跑到最遠的那家Super Wal-mart買衛生紙. 我開車喜歡邊走邊玩,一下去遠東超市晃晃,一下停在路邊照相,然後再洗洗車,一段十五分鐘的車程我搞了四十分鐘才開到. 我逛超市也喜歡邊逛邊玩, 一下站在購物車上溜滑輪,一下研究新產品和使用說明,明明是買衛生紙我也可以花個三四十塊錢, 當然,多半都不是原先計畫要買的. 還好我是吃飽了晚餐才出發,不然美國超市這種誘人的銷售方法,又是賣炸雞又是試吃的,肯定又要讓我多花好多錢.
好了,花了兩個半小時總算是心滿意足了, 回到家時卻發現....我的手機不見了!! 剛剛還在購物車上看到啊...?!
一路又飆回那個最遠的超市,一邊罵自己無聊,沒事幹嘛跑那麼遠去買個衛生 紙.真是拿自己尋開心的. 停車場的購物車堆放處已經沒了我的手機,我怯生生的跑進店裡問店員,他們笑笑說,啊!原來那是你的啊?有有有,幫你收起來了. 呼!真是嚇死我了,不要都到了要離開的時候才掉手機,那真是麻煩多多啊!!
這兩年來,我好像常常掉東西,從手機錢包滑鼠到相機鑰匙都掉過,真懷疑,自己怎麼有那麼多的好運,幾乎都找回來了. (Knock wood knock wood!!)
Time flies~
I was checking the documents for new coming students during my office hour today when realized how time flies.
It's just like yesterday that I was in Taipei busy filling out those forms, remitting deposit to ensure a seat in the MBA program, purchasing a computer, applying student visa, and having physical exams etc. And now two years passed, everything is still so clear and vivid in my memories. The first time to look for summer housing, then an apartment; the first time to settle everything down in a different country; the first time to argue with people, to file a complain, to have class in a different language, and the first time to experience the culture clash, good or bad. The first time to know how hard it can be to take all the false rumors and gossiping and ignore them.
Time flies, now I enjoyed every moment for the last time here...The last time to sell my stuff, wathcing people bargaining as if I was doing 2 years ago; the last time to watch a concert, a musical, a basketball game; the last time to lie on the quad and immersed myself in the Spring breeze; the last time to class, and the last time to be a carefree, jolly student...
It's just like yesterday that I was in Taipei busy filling out those forms, remitting deposit to ensure a seat in the MBA program, purchasing a computer, applying student visa, and having physical exams etc. And now two years passed, everything is still so clear and vivid in my memories. The first time to look for summer housing, then an apartment; the first time to settle everything down in a different country; the first time to argue with people, to file a complain, to have class in a different language, and the first time to experience the culture clash, good or bad. The first time to know how hard it can be to take all the false rumors and gossiping and ignore them.
Time flies, now I enjoyed every moment for the last time here...The last time to sell my stuff, wathcing people bargaining as if I was doing 2 years ago; the last time to watch a concert, a musical, a basketball game; the last time to lie on the quad and immersed myself in the Spring breeze; the last time to class, and the last time to be a carefree, jolly student...
Sting was in town 史汀在香檳
雖然是星期日的晚上,體育館還是擠滿了觀眾. 由於票買的早,我們的位置是在搖滾區最前方第六排中間,近得連史汀臉上的汗都看得到,貝斯手的指法也一清二楚,真是過癮極了!!
史 汀雖然老了,但一把聲音還是好的沒話說,加上活力十足,唱足兩小時沒有停歇,對於他這樣上了年紀還能保持這樣好狀態的敬業精神,我是感到相當佩服. 但像這樣專業的演唱會,肯定是沒有炫目的舞台效果和服裝表演,加上他話也不太多只是猛唱,場面難免有些冷. 最可惜的是有許多他經典的歌曲如Fragile和 Every breath you take 都沒有在演唱曲目中,讓我對於連續Encore兩次的表演覺得有點小小失望哩!!
雖然是星期日的晚上,體育館還是擠滿了觀眾. 由於票買的早,我們的位置是在搖滾區最前方第六排中間,近得連史汀臉上的汗都看得到,貝斯手的指法也一清二楚,真是過癮極了!!
史 汀雖然老了,但一把聲音還是好的沒話說,加上活力十足,唱足兩小時沒有停歇,對於他這樣上了年紀還能保持這樣好狀態的敬業精神,我是感到相當佩服. 但像這樣專業的演唱會,肯定是沒有炫目的舞台效果和服裝表演,加上他話也不太多只是猛唱,場面難免有些冷. 最可惜的是有許多他經典的歌曲如Fragile和 Every breath you take 都沒有在演唱曲目中,讓我對於連續Encore兩次的表演覺得有點小小失望哩!!
My Mini Blue
新鮮到貨的Ipod mini, 讓我花了一整天的時間愉快的和它親近著.
在 綁架了同學的車一晚之後,我又再度掠奪了他電腦裡的300首 歌,然後在陽光美好的室外庭園喝了杯bloody mary,和一頓豐盛至極,連服務生都對我的食量讚嘆不已的午餐. 生命是美好的,燦爛春光的午後,是該練練高爾夫,和同學吃飯聊天的度過時光. 然後我又再度到另一個同學家,海盜了上千首歌,不一會就把可愛精巧的mini給灌爆了. 天!原來6GB一點都不夠用啊!!

Mandy's mini blue
在 綁架了同學的車一晚之後,我又再度掠奪了他電腦裡的300首 歌,然後在陽光美好的室外庭園喝了杯bloody mary,和一頓豐盛至極,連服務生都對我的食量讚嘆不已的午餐. 生命是美好的,燦爛春光的午後,是該練練高爾夫,和同學吃飯聊天的度過時光. 然後我又再度到另一個同學家,海盜了上千首歌,不一會就把可愛精巧的mini給灌爆了. 天!原來6GB一點都不夠用啊!!

Mandy's mini blue
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