
What am I busy for recently?

Movies: 6 since this summer. Cannot recall all of them but the most recent ones are - Lord of War, Flightplan, Crash, ...

Concert: 1. When Jazz meets Cuba by Klazz Brothers (from Germany)

Books: 10
- Moho Han by Miyuki Miyabe (模仿犯), over 1300 pages
- Harry Potter 6
- Tipping Point
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Category Killer
- Blink
- He's just not that into you
- Joy of Happiness
- Superman's photoshot (超人大頭貼) by Grandpa Mars
- 看見未來 教你全方位成功致富

TV series:
- 4 Japanese TV series : A litre of tears, Brother beats, Boar's Makeup, Fantacy Game (animation, 不思議遊戲)
- 1 Korean TV series: My name is Kim Samsoon
- 2 US TV series: 24 season 1, Break Prison season 1

Restaurants: Countless

