Yes, I am on diet. Yes, I decide not to eat dinner. But, I couldn't help to cook...
I looked into my fridge and found some great ingredients for making a bread pudding.
I should have put some raisin (which I don't eat), pecans (Tania doesn't eat), and cinnamon (Neal doesn't eat) into my pudding but I lacked of these ingredients, plus it was too troublesome to add something people don't eat. So I decided to make a plain bread pudding and it turned out very very tasty :)
List of "beneficiaries": Apt 3076, Apt 3069, Apt ?? (what is Larsen and Rex's apt number) , Warriors in Apt 2066,(above from U. Comm) and Harryanto from Hessel on the Park.
Great, I only had one very small bite of this 8'' big pudding. Haha...I am not the one who's gonna be FAT!!
約 克夏布丁是英國約克夏郡的傳統美食之一. 這美味的麵包布丁其實原本是配著烤牛肉吃鹹的(有點像美國人配烤火雞吃的stuffing). 不過在台灣我最愛的勞瑞斯牛肋排餐廳 Lawry's The Prime Rib 把這道菜做成了甜點,當我第一次吃到時就對它的美味產生深深的感動.這烤麵包布丁原本應該要放whiskey sauce,可是我把它改良成了白酒醬,吃來既不會太濃烈又帶著一股清香.雖然剛烤出來賣相超佳,可是我居然忘了照相,就立刻把它切一切分送出去,真是太 遺憾了 (希望Tania有成功的把她們家的那兩塊照下來)